- Umbelliferae Angelica is a perennial herb. 当归是伞形科多年生草本植物。
- The persistent, mostly underground base of a perennial herb. 宿根多年生草本植物的通常位于地底下的宿存基部
- The persistent,mostly underground base of a perennial herb. 宿根多年生草本植物的通常位于地底下的宿存基部
- Mirabilis jalapa Linnaeus is a perennial herb of Nyctaginaceae. 摘要紫茉莉是紫茉莉科的一种多年生草本植物。
- Wannian Qing for the Liliaceae Wannian Qing is a perennial herb flowers. 万年青为百合科万年青属多年生草本花卉。
- Black cohosh, a perennial herb member of the buttercup family, is the most widely used herbal remedy for hot flashes. 黑升麻,毛莨属植物家族中的多年生草本植物成员,是治疗热潮红的最常用草本植物。
- A perennial herb(Menyanthes trifoliata) native to the Northern Hemisphere and having trifoliate leaves and clusters of white, pink, or purplish flowers. 睡菜一种一年生草本植物(睡菜睡菜属),原产于北半球,有三小叶复叶和白色、粉红、紫色花束
- A perennial herb(Cichorium intybus) of the composite family, native to the Old World, widely naturalized in North America, and having rayed flower heads with blue florets. 菊苣一种多年生菊科草本植物,(菊苣)原产于东半球,被广泛引种在北美洲,开有伞形头样花序的蓝花
- A perennial herb(Lewisia rediviva), native to western North America and having showy pink or whitish flowers and an edible, fleshy root. 苦根琉维草,苦根马齿苋一种多年生草本植物(苦根琉维草琉维草属),原产于北美西部,有鲜艳粉色或白色花朵和可食肉质根
- A perennial herb(Cardamine pratensis) in the mustard family, native to the northern temperate regions and having pinnate leaves and pink, purple, or sometimes white flowers. 草地碎米荠一种十字花科的多年生草本植物(碎米荠属草甸碎米荠),原产于北温带,生有羽状复叶并开粉红色、紫色或有时为白色的花
- A perennial herb(Menyanthes trifoliata)native to the Northern Hemisphere and having trifoliate leaves and clusters of white,pink,or purplish flowers. 睡菜一种一年生草本植物(睡菜睡菜属),原产于北半球,有三小叶复叶和白色、粉红、紫色花束
- A perennial herb(Stylophorum diphyllum) native to midwest North America and somewhat similar in appearance to the celandine. 二叶金罂粟:一种多年生草本植物(二叶金罂粟人血草属),原产于北美中西部,外表有些像白屈菜
- Aeluropus littoralis(Gouan.) is a perennial herb and dominant plant of saline soil,which has strong tolerance of high salinity and drought. 獐毛是江苏沿海滩涂分布的一种多年生草本植物和盐渍土指示植物,具有很强的抗盐、抗旱能力。
- A perennial herb(Cardamine pratensis) in the mustard family,native to the northern temperate regions and having pinnate leaves and pink,purple,or sometimes white flowers. 草地碎米荠一种十字花科的多年生草本植物(碎米荠属草甸碎米荠),原产于北温带,生有羽状复叶并开粉红色、紫色或有时为白色的花。
- A perennial herb(Cichorium intybus) of the composite family,native to the Old World,widely naturalized in North America,and having rayed flower heads with blue florets. 菊苣,一种多年生菊科草本植物,(菊苣)原产于东半球,被广泛引种在北美洲,开有伞形头样花序的蓝花。
- A perennial herb(Cardamine pratensis)in the mustard family, native to the northern temperate regions and having pinnate leaves and pink, purple, or sometimes white flowers. 草地碎米荠一种十字花科的多年生草本植物(碎米荠属草甸碎米荠),原产于北温带,生有羽状复叶并开粉红色、紫色或有时为白色的花
- A perennial herb (Caulophyllum thalictroides) of eastern North America, having a ternately compound leaf, small yellow-green or purplish flowers, and blue berrylike seeds. 蓝籽类叶牡丹:北美东部产的一种多年生草本植物(蓝籽红毛七红毛七属),有三出复叶、黄绿色或紫色小花和类似蓝莓的种子
- A perennial herb (Polygonum hydropiperoides) growing in marshes and bogs of the United States, having reddish stems, clusters of small greenish flowers, and acrid-tasting leaves. 水蓼:一种多年生草本植物(沼泽蓼蓼属),生长在美国的沼泽之中,有红色的茎、串状小绿花和有酸味的叶子
- A perennial herb (Menyanthes trifoliata) native to the Northern Hemisphere and having trifoliate leaves and clusters of white, pink, or purplish flowers. 睡菜:一种一年生草本植物(睡菜睡菜属),原产于北半球,有三小叶复叶和白色、粉红、紫色花束
- A perennial herb (Pachysandra procumbens), native to the southeast United States and sometimes grown as an ornamental or ground cover for its usually mottled leaves. 平铺富贵草:原产于美国东南部的一种多年生草本植物(平卧板凳果属),由于生有斑驳的叶子,有时作为观赏植物或地被植物而被种植