- a peacock in his priden. 开屏的孔雀
- She is a peacock in everything but beauty. 她完全是一只孔雀,除“美”而外。
- He was a bit injured in his pride when he heard the words. 她听了这些话,自尊心受到一点伤害。
- His pride in his achievements is justified. 他为自己的成就而自豪, 这是理所当然的。
- He was a hit injured in his pride when he heard the words. 他听了这些话,自尊心受到一点伤害。
- He strutted in front of me like a peacock. 他像一只骄傲的孔雀一样在我前面趾高气扬地走着。
- Compared with Mary, his pride in his achievements has come down a peg. 和玛丽相比,他觉得自己的成就不再那么了不起了。
- Pride is symbolized as a peacock. 骄傲被用孔雀来象征。
- He put his pride in his pocket and asked his uncle to lend him the fare home. 他放下面子,向叔叔借路费回家。
- That chap is as pride as a peacock. 那小伙子极为自命不凡。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- Compared with Mary,his pride in his achievements has come down a peg. 和玛丽相比,他觉得自己的成就不再那么了不起了。
- Hand, being greatly hurt in his pride, contemplated only severe reprisal. 韩德的自尊心受到严重伤害,一心一意考虑着严厉的报复。
- The boy was as proud as a peacock when he showed me his new football boots. 那男孩给我看他的崭新足球靴子时得意极了。
- It was the first one with springs and matess in his priding life. 由于天气很热,他便把床搬到了他的屋顶上。
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。
- June is as proud as a peacock after winning her first swimming certificate. 琼自从获得了第一游泳证书后非常骄傲,瞧不起人。
- In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. 恶人面带骄傲,说:耶和华必不追究;他一切所想的都以为没有上帝。
- Dudley reined in his horse and fell a shouting. 达德利勒住马高声呼喊起来。
- Mr. Casaubon too was not without his pride in his young wife, who spoke better than most women. 卡苏朋先生不能不为年轻的妻子感到自豪,她的谈吐是一般妇女望尘莫及的。