- a palace of Saddam Hussein 萨达姆·侯赛因的一座宫殿
- The second trial of Saddam Hussein continues in Baghdad. 对萨达姆的第二轮审判继续在巴格达进行。
- They live in a palace of a house. 他们住在宫殿般的房子里。
- They lived in a palace of a house. 他们住在宫殿一般的房子中。
- The capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of conflict in Iraq. 捕获萨达姆·侯赛因并不意味着在伊拉克的冲突会就此结束。
- And the record of Saddam Hussein's cooperation with other Islamist terrorist organizations is clear. 萨达姆与其伊斯兰恐怖组织的合作记录也是十分清楚的。
- It removed the iron rule of Saddam Hussein, but created an anarchic void in Iraq into which Iran has extended its influence. 其推翻了萨达姆的铁腕统治,但也在伊拉克造成了一种无政府真空,而伊朗则借机扩展自己的影响。
- Trusting in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein is not a strategy, and it is not an option. 寄希望于萨达姆 - 侯赛因的理智和节制绝不是办法,绝不可加以考虑。
- A similar$1.2 bn purchase in Iraq, however, is in a state of limbo following the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime. 不过,由于萨达姆政权倒台,中国在伊拉克的一宗12亿美元的类似收购交易则处于搁置状态。
- The stepped-up presence follows one of the most violent months since the war began in March 2003 to oust the regime of Saddam Hussein. 为了废除萨达姆侯赛因通知,2003年3月,自从战争开始,随着暴力袭击最多的一个月之一,部队不断增加人数。
- Iraqi citizens pull down a statue of Saddam Hussein in Karbala with the help of U.S. soldiers from Second Battalion. 伊拉克市民拉到一坐卡尔巴拉的萨达姆候塞因的雕像在美军第二步兵师的帮助下。
- The defendants include Ali Hassan al-Majid, the cousin of Saddam Hussein and widely known as "Chemical Ali". 他们被指控在1991年的什叶派起义中违反人道主义。
- April 27, 2003. A portrait of Saddam Hussein hangs in his mother's home in Awja, south of Tikrit. 2003年4月27日,萨达姆侯赛因画象在他的阿维亚的母亲的家,提克里特南部边缘。
- The splendent awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal. 汉语行文讲究声律对仗,用字凝炼含蓄,追求工整匀称,音韵和美。
- Harper's excruciatingly polite rebuttal that, while he supported the removal of Saddam Hussein, he would not commit Canadian troops to that nation. 广告有意忽略了哈帕对这种假设的愤怒、但却以君子的风度所给予的反驳:虽然他支持将萨达姆·侯赛因赶下台,但他不会派遣加拿大军队去那个国家。
- Its journalists were first in reporting armistice in the first World War, the death of Gandhi and the capture of Saddam Hussein. 我们曾以最快的速度报道了第一次世界大战休战、地之死、及萨达姆"侯赛因被捕的消息。
- Compared to ours their house is a palace. 他们的房子和我们的相比简直太豪华了。
- An attack on Monday killed 125 people, most of them Iraqi police recruits, the largest single death toll since the fall of Saddam Hussein. 星期一的一次袭击导致125人死亡,其中大部份是伊拉克警察部队的新兵。这次袭击是萨达姆侯赛因倒台以来伤亡最惨重的一次。
- The right to travel was one of the most enticing of the freedoms Iraqis looked forward to after the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime. 萨达姆·侯赛因政权倒台后,获得(出境)旅游的权利成为伊拉克人最向往的自由之一。
- As a matter of fact it was a palace coup d’ etat. 事实上这是一场宫廷政变。