- He was like a mythical creature. 他像一个神话人物。
- The Dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a large and powerful serpent or other reptile, with magical or spiritual qualities. 龙是一种虚构生物,其典型的描述为,具有魔法或某种超自然力量的大型、强而有力的蛇或爬虫类。
- Not bad for a mythical creature whose name, in Chinese, sounds very much like an especially vile obscenity. 这种神话生物的名字并不算坏,但在中文中,它的发音近似一个特别肮脏淫秽的词汇。
- A mythical creature, generally resembling a lizard, believed capable of living in or withstanding fire. 火蜥蜴,火蛇:一种传说中的动物,象蜥蜴,据说能生长于水中或抵御火
- The dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a gigantic and powerful serpent or other reptile with magical or spiritual qualities. 龙是一个神话生物典型地被描述作为一条硕大和强有力的蛇或其它爬行动物以魔术或精神质量。
- The Yeti is said to live in the Himalayan regions of Nepal and is largely regarded by the scientific community as a mythical creature. 雪人据说栖息于尼泊尔喜马拉雅山区,但科学界大多将其视为虚构的生物。
- Not bad for a mythical creature whose name, in Chinese, sounds very much like an especially vile obscenity. Which is precisely the point. 这些事情对草泥马这种神秘的动物算不得什么坏事,只不过它的中文名字听上去像是一句非常下流的脏话。这才是画龙点睛之笔。
- Crop circle enthusiast Karen Alexander, from Gosport, Hants, said: "The phoenix is a mythical creature which symbolises rebirth and a new era in many cultures across the world. 作物圆圈发烧友克伦亚历山大,从戈斯波特, Hants ,说: “凤凰是一个神秘的动物,象征重生和一个新时代的许多文化在世界各地。
- Then it makes an analysis of the “Kylin Culture” in ancient China.Kylin is the outcome of ancient China's totemism, and a mythic creature through people's artistic imagination and modification. 麒麟是中国远古社会图腾崇拜的产物,是人们按理想进行艺术加工后产生的神物。
- a mythical creature that could change its form 能改变形体的神话中的生物
- To the western people ,India is a mythical land . 在西方人的心目中,印度是一片神秘的土地。
- Songs about a mythical alpaca-like creature have taken hold online in China. 对于一个以脏话双关语为名的动物来说;获得这样的成就实属不易.
- a mythical creature 一种神话里的生物
- The unicorn is a symbol of purity, and the most unique mythical creature on earth. 独角兽,世界上最纯洁、与众不同的生物。
- Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune. 龙被提到当作带来最终富裕,繁荣和好命运神话里的生物。
- The most spectacular special effects occurred in the scenes involving the Fire Kirin, a mythical fire-breathing dragon-like creature. 影片中最壮观的特技场面是出现火麒麟(只虚构的满身是火的像龙的动物)“这是最难制作的一部分。
- Don't waste your life trying to be superwoman or some other mythical creature who is more beautiful, more talented, more deserving than you. 不要浪费自己的生命,试图去做超人或其他神话般的人物,更美丽、更聪明,比你更值得。
- A mythical Trojan who has killed by Achilles during the Trojan War. 特洛伊战争中被阿客琉斯所杀的神话中的特洛伊人。
- Now the mythical creature has made the leap into the real world, with a number of online retailers selling stuffed alpacas as grass mud horses. 现在这种虚构的动物跃进了真实世界,网络上的一些零售商们开始卖草泥马的填充玩具。
- The play is set in a mythical place where only women held office. 该剧的场景是一个神话般的地方,只有妇女执政。