- a morass of detail. 被掩盖的细节
- a morass of detail 被掩盖的细节
- The books are written off as a morass of stuff and nonsense. 这些书写的全是一派胡言。
- The report contained a plethora of detail. 报告中细节过多。
- Along with thousands of other families in dying inner cities, the Wolfs have become mired in a morass of welfare, crime and self-destruction. 他们同几千家居住在毫无希望的贫民窟中的居民一道,陷入接受救济、违法犯罪、自我毁灭的困境。
- Spurgeon was ready (though he had hoped for the best) to stand up and be counted (all alone) rather than being lost in a morass of unbelief. 司布真准备好(尽管他是抱着最好的愿望)挺身而出,被数算(全部人里唯一的一个),而不愿意迷失在一大群的不信当中。
- One rung on the ladder of detail for a dimension. 通往维的一个明细数据阶梯。
- When the mass support is sufficiently good to block the leakage of news,it is often possible by various ruses to succeed in leading the enemy into a morass of wrong judgements and actions so that he loses his superiority and the initiative. 在优越的民众条件具备,足以封锁消息时,采用各种欺骗敌人的方法,常能有效地陷敌于判断错误和行动错误的苦境,因而丧失其优势和主动。
- When the mass support is sufficiently good to block the leakage of news, it is often possible by various ruses to succeed in leading the enemy into a morass of wrong judgements and actions so that he loses his superiority and the initiative. 在优越的民众条件具备,足以封锁消息时,采用各种欺骗敌人的方法,常能有效地陷敌于判断错误和行动错误的苦境,因而丧失其优势和主动。
- Personal Strengths: A master of detail. 个人优点:事无巨细的人。
- The industry fell into a trap of high costs, including unaffordable benefits and a morass of regulatory and contractual obligations that enabled foreign producers to take a growing share of the U. 汽车产业深陷在高成本的困境中,包括无法负担的员工福利,以及法规与合约义务所形成的泥沼,以致国外厂商在美国的市佔率日益升高。
- Reading to a reading of detail futzing fun. 愿一读再读,细细把玩,趣味无穷。
- a morass of confusion, doubt, despair, etc 困惑、 怀疑、 绝望等的境地
- His grandfather was a fine raconteur, dredging up quite effortlessly, and with a great wealth of detail, scenes and incidents from his early life. 他的祖父是位很会讲故事的人,不费吹灰之力,就把他年轻时事情、场景,极详细地描绘出来。
- They have to flounder in a morass of contradictions 他们不得不在矛盾重重的困境中挣扎。
- Don't befuddle me with all those masses of detail. 不要拿一大堆琐事把我搞迷糊。
- Mona Monroe mourned the moral morass of the monster. 门罗夫人为这个陷入道德困境的怪物而哀伤。
- The report containeda plethora of detail. 报告中细节过多。
- We think there are a lot of details to go into. 我们认为对此需要进行详细的讨论。