- She's a management trainee as well. 也是实习生。
- He's a management trainee. 是一位企管实习生。
- he joined Disc nearly two years ago as a management trainee. 约在两年前到迪斯克公司工作,是管理实习生。
- Trainee and eventually become a manager. 从当会计见习开始,最后成为经理。
- Management Trainee Receives systematic training in the company. 行政见习员在公司内接受有系统训练。
- A manager should be accessible to his staff. 一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。
- as he moved back to East Texas and worked intermittently as a management trainee at an agricultural firm 那时他回到得克萨斯州东部,断断续续地在一家农业公司做实习管理人员
- Contains the basic elements of a management object. 包含管理对象的基本元素。
- Specifies options for invoking a management method. 指定用于调用管理方法的选项。
- I see myself in a management position. 我想进入管理层。
- He was called a management guru. 他被称为管理学的始祖。
- AM-ERP is a management mode integrated AM and ERP. AM-ERP是集成了敏捷制造技术(AM)和企业资源计划(ERP)的管理模式。
- GW: You dont take a management job passively. 温伯格:你并不是被动的承担了这份管理工作。
- It's a management team with an unenviable task. 资讯科技是有一件不值得羡慕的工作经营团队。
- GW: You don't take a management job passively. 温伯格:你并不是被动的承担了这份治理工作。
- But the 28-year-old management trainee at the Dutch bank ABN Amro says he's had no problem fitting in. 但是这个28岁的荷兰银行的管理培训生说他已经没有融合的困难了。
- Fastest Growing FMCG, Business Week 500 Company Reckitt Benckiser is recruiting 2010 Commercial Management Trainee! 商业周刊500强利洁时公司2010营销管理培训生热招中!
- a management trainee 管理实习生
- They staged a management buyout to pre- empt a takeover bid. 他们筹划买下资方的全部产权以便抢先得到兼并出价的好处。
- The Metro China Management Trainee Program is targeting at fresh university graduates or graduates with1-2 years working experience. 麦德龙中国的储备干部项目专为大学应届毕业生,或者拥有1-2年工作经验的历届大学毕业生开设。