- During one of their adventures, an 18-month tour of the historic palaces and castles of Europe, William began a lifelong love of collecting. 在一次冒险活动期间,他们用18个月游览了欧洲历史上著名的宫殿和城堡,从那时起威廉开始养成收集的终身爱好。
- Mary Pope Osborne has channeled a lifelong love of exploration and travel into one of the most popular children's book series of the past two decades. 美国知名儿童文学作家,北卡罗莱纳大学主修戏剧与比较宗教学,喜爱不同文化的她,毕业之后,曾到世界各地去旅行。
- Edo de Waart's affinity with the music of Wagner stems from a lifelong love of this music and decades of experience conducting those massive music-dramas which changed the course of opera for ever. 长篇音乐剧彻底改变歌剧的发展,迪华特指挥此类大型音乐剧的经验丰富,而他对音乐剧终身不渝的热爱,令他与华格纳的音乐结下不解之缘。
- With the lifelong dream of searching scent from women in mind, Xun Xiang wishes all women with our grade toilettes a lifelong loveliness and happiness! 香缘女人,寻梦一生。愿所有拥有寻香礼服的女人一生美丽,一生幸福!
- It caused a lifelong breach with his father. 这使得他们父子终身失和。
- One wrong think may cause a lifelong regret. 一念之差,终身悔恨。
- The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong experience. 求知是一辈子的事。
- One wrong thinking may cause a lifelong regret . 一念之差,终身悔恨。
- Wishing you a lifelong sucess! Happy Birthday. 祝你生日快乐!希望您地愿望都会实现。
- Make gratitude a lifelong habit. 让感谢成为终身的习惯。
- He's been a lifelong sufferer from hay fever. 他终身患枯草热。
- One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret. 一念之错可铸终生之恨。
- Learning English is a lifelong process. 学英语是一辈子的事.
- Bringing up children is a lifelong job. 养育孩子是一生的事。
- A moment's error can bring a lifelong regret. 一失足成千古恨。
- To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 爱自己是一生浪漫之始。
- Education is a lifelong journey. It exists as you live. 教育是一段终生的旅程,你活着一天,它就持续一天。
- a lifelong love 终身的爱情
- In short, this is a lifelong business you can surely rely on! 这一切都让我们觉得安利是一门可以长远发展的终生事业。
- LORD GORING. To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance, Phipps. 戈林子爵爱自己才是一辈子浪漫的开始,菲普斯。