- a late news bulletin 一份近期新闻简报
- Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news. 编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻。
- The TV programmewas interrupted by a news bulletin. 电视节目中间插播了简明新闻。
- Here is a late news flash. 现在插播刚刚收到的新闻。
- They are listening to a news bulletin put out by Radio Beijing. 他们在收听北京台的新闻联播。
- A new bulletin has been put up on the city wall. 城墙上新贴出一张告谕。
- Some late news has just come in. 刚刚收到几条新消息。
- Here is a round-up of the latest news. 以下是最新的新闻综合报道。
- Some late news of the war has just come in. 刚刚收到一些有关战争的新消息。
- On the back wall is our class News Bulletin Board. 我们的班级新闻公告板在后面的墙壁上。
- After the show our host stood treat to a late supper. 观看演出之后,主人又请我们吃了一顿夜宵。
- He listened to every news bulletin on the radio. 他收听电台广播的每一条简明新闻。
- The News Bulletin Board is for the students'work. 这个新闻公告板是为学生服务的。
- I've made bold to call on you at such a late hour. 我很冒昧这样晚来找你。
- What's this News Bulletin Board for? 这个新闻公告板是做什么用的呢?
- At a late hour dainty refreshments were served. 最后并有精美茶点招待。
- That's the end of our news bulletin. 新闻短讯到此结束。
- Welcome to our new technical news bulletin. 欢迎来到技术新闻页面!
- We will discuss this in detail in a later chapter. 我们将在以後的一章中对这一点作详细的探讨。
- Television is a later introduction than radio. 电视的使用迟於无线电。