- a lackadaisical attempt; a languid mood; a languid wave of the hand; a hot languorous afternoon. 懒洋洋的尝试;疲倦的心情;无力的挥着手;炎热、没精打采的下午。
- 6. a lackadaisical attempt; a languid mood; a languid wave of the hand; a hot languorous afternoon. 懒洋洋的尝试;疲倦的心情;无力的挥着手;炎热、没精打采的下午。收藏指正
- In a languid manner he designed to infuriate her. 他显出无精打采的样子,故意想激怒她。
- 1. a lackadaisical attempt; a languid mood; a languid wave of the hand; a hot languorous afternoon. 懒洋洋的尝试;疲倦的心情;无力的挥着手;炎热、没精打采的下午。收藏指正
- 1.a lackadaisical attempt; a languid mood; a languid wave of the hand; a hot languorous afternoon. 懒洋洋的尝试;疲倦的心情;无力的挥着手;炎热、没精打采的下午。
- In a languid manner he designed to infuriate. 他显出无精打采的样子,故意想激怒她。
- In a languid manner he designed to infuriate . 他显出无精打采的样子,故意想激怒她。
- a languid mood. 倦怠的状态
- With a languid movement she eked out the thought that was in her. 这种无精打采的举动,恰恰把她心里的想法给补充得明明白白。
- He speaks with a languid drawl. 他慢吞吞拉着长调说话。
- She stretched out a languid arm to brush the cigar ash off the couch. 她伸出一只懒洋洋的手臂擦长沙发椅上的雪茄烟灰。
- The incident put her in a bad mood. 这件事使她心情很不好。
- They showed a staid mood in that accident. 那次事件中他们的情绪很稳定。
- A languid wave of the hand. 无精打采的挥手
- The painting can inspire a pensive mood. 这幅画能引人沉思。
- Lin Pei-shan returned his look; but without the least sign of nervousness or excitement-just a languid smile. 林佩珊也回看他,却是既不焦灼,也没兴奋,而是满眼的娇慵。
- He's in a bad mood, so I'll make myself scarce. 他情绪不好,我得躲著点。
- To the English the proper way to bahave in almost all situations is to display a languid indifference to almost everything,though one may be fuming underneath. 对英国人来说,不管在哪儿,几乎对一切都表现出一种懒洋洋的无所谓的态度才算是举止得当,尽管有的人内心可能很愤怒。
- September is a changeling, busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. 九月真是变幻莫测,忙来如山核桃树上的松鼠,闲来却又象懒散缓流的小溪。
- The whole town is in a festal mood. 全镇沉浸在节日的气氛之中。