- A human being has the vestige of a tail. 人类仍有尾巴退化的痕迹。
- One of the human failing is lazy. 人性的弱点之一是懒惰。
- Death is often shown in pictures as a human skeleton. 死神常被画成骷髅。
- A human being is an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing. 人类,是一堆可以随意拆卸的铅管零件的巧妙装配。
- A human is an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing. 人类,是一堆可以随意拆卸的铅管零件的巧妙装配。
- The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field. 那农民 地时挖出一个人类的头颅骨。
- Unfortunately, nonlistening seems to be a chronic human failing. 遗憾的是,这种听而不闻的现象是人类常犯的过失。
- The tree takes the shape of a human being. 这棵树呈人的形状。
- A humane society always does well by its old people. 一个仁慈的社会对待老人总是很好。
- It is not humanly possible (ie A human is not able) to lift the weight. 人举不起这样的重量。
- A human being regardless of sex or age; a person. 人类,人不论性别或年龄的人;人
- A human body needs a continuous supply of air. 人需要连续不断地补充空气。
- The body of a human being, especially when large. 大块头人的身体,尤指块头很大的人的身体
- Suddenly Ruz came face to face with a human skull! 鲁茨突然发觉自己面对面地站在一个骷髅前。
- Tien Chi is a human nation of the ancient era. 天齐是一个古老的人类国家。
- A humane man will feel for others in their suffering. 一个有人性的人会同情他人的痛苦。
- Tokyo is a human beehive of a city. 东京是个像蜂窝般人囗集中而热闹的都市。
- a human failing 人类的弱点
- This is my first battle with a human mortal. 这毕竟是我第一次跟别人交锋。
- Beauty is not a human invention. 美并非人工创造。