- And if we have not,are we prepared to let go of our pride - because we are already well-developed and prosperous - to adopt a humble attitude and start learning from others,even countries which appear to have done less well than ours? 而如果没有,那我们又是否愿意放下自己因国家的相对发达与繁荣而得到的自豪感,虚心向他国学习呢,即便是那些看似较落后的国家?
- And if we have not, are we prepared to let go of our pride - because we are already well-developed and prosperous - to adopt a humble attitude and start learning from others, even countries which appear to have done less well than ours? 而如果没有,那我们又是否愿意放下自己因国家的相对发达与繁荣而得到的自豪感,虚心向他国学习呢,即便是那些看似较落后的国家?
- He is a humble and submissive servant. 他是个恭顺的仆人。
- By a humble spark a town is set on fire. 星星之火,可焚城。
- To make a humble or urgent plea. 乞求做出低声下气或迫切的恳求
- I was born into a humble family. 他出生寒门。
- We're from a humble family background. 我们出身贫寒。
- He is a humble and submissive servant . 他是个恭顺的仆人。
- Once it was just a humble cellphone. 手机最初的用途单一。
- A life with wisdom necessarily encompasses a sincere and humble attitude. 真正的智慧人生,必定有诚意谦虚的态度。
- The Lins live in a humble house. 林家人住在简陋的房子里。
- We have to be a humble, pilgrim church. 我们必须是个谦逊的、朝圣的教会。”
- Lincoln was born in a humble log cabin. 林肯在一个简陋的小木屋里出生。
- Despite everything, JJ is a humble guy. 不管怎样,JJ还是一个很谦虚的人。
- The family lived in a humble cottage. 这户人家住在一所简陋的农舍里。
- In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran... 站在你面前的是一个卑微的杂耍老手,
- a humBle attitude 谦恭的态度。
- Joe is a humble and self-effacing person and so automatically takes second place. 乔是个谦逊而不愿抛头露面的人,总是自动退居次要地位。
- I never see u r a maturer person simply because u r showing me u r very demanding, lack of critical thinking, proper studying & humble attitude! 坦白说,大部分的版主都是一肚子苦水与委屈,只能在私底下互相诉苦彼此劝慰打气罢了!
- The tax collector's humble attitude keeps him from being self-righteous.What else can we learn from these lessons for prayer? 税吏的谦卑是他认罪的原头;也成为能领受上帝拯救的原因.;除了这两项态度我们还可以从这里学到什麽?