- Barack Obama's victory is "a historic victory that promised change and overcame centuries of prejudice. ABC报道,奥巴马的胜利是“一次历史性的胜利,一次预示着改革和克服了几世纪以来偏见的胜利。
- Five media exit polls are now suggesting the results could be a historic victory for the opposition candidate and former bishop, Fernando Lugo. 五个媒体选后测验现在正暗示,选举结果对在野党候选人和前任领导人卢戈来说将是一次历史性的胜利。
- Of your eyes is a historic site. 就是一片古老的遗迹。
- The reservoir itself is a historic site. 这水库的本身就是古老的遗迹。
- Aardvark was on a historic expedition. 食蚁兽先生有过一次历史考察。
- China's takeover of Hong Kong was a historic event. 中国收回香港是一件具有历史意义的大事。
- It is also a historic meeting place. 它还是一个历史的聚会场所。
- Let's look at this from a historical standpoint. 让我们从历史的观点来看待这一切。
- We went to see a historical play. 我们去看了出历史剧。
- a historic victory 历史性胜利
- On her first war patrol from Pearl Harbor, she was ordered to patrol the western approaches to Midway, taking station 280 miles westward during that historic victory. 在第一次的战术巡逻中,她得到命令在中途岛西部沿岸巡逻,并且在那个历史性胜利的发生地以西280英里保持警戒。
- Speaking in Phoenix, Arizona, Senator John McCain conceded the presidential race to Obama and congratulated the Illinois senator on his historic victory. 参议员约翰.;麦凯恩在亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市发表讲话,承认竞选失败并祝贺奥巴马取得了历史性的胜利。
- Hizbullah being what it is, Mr Nasrallah lost no time claiming that this was “a strategic, historic victory”;crowds in Tehran chorused that Israel had been “destroyed”. 真主党照旧,纳斯鲁拉一直不停强调这是“一个有战略意义的和历史意义的胜利”,从德黑兰远远地传来了以色列被“摧毁”的歌声。
- The answer is the “shadow shogun”, Ichiro Ozawa, a master manipulator who secured an historic victory for the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in August elections. 他是确保日本民主党在八月份选举中取得历史性胜利的主要幕后操纵者。
- He has written a historical drama. 他已写了一个历史剧本。
- Hizbullah being what it is, Mr Nasrallah lost no time claiming that this was “a strategic, historic victory”; crowds in Tehran chorused that Israel had been “destroyed”. 真主党这边的情况是,纳斯鲁拉及时地宣告了这是“一场战略性的、历史性的胜利”;德黑兰也异口同声的认为以色列已被“破坏”。
- This is a historical fact of the past 500 years. 这是近五百年来历史所遗留下来的史实。
- This is an objective reality and a historical fact. 这是客观的存在,历史的事实。
- The calorie is a historical relic. 卡是历史的遗迹。
- The choice was a historical accident. 这种选择是一种历史的偶然性。