- This boy is being treated for a heart condition. 这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。
- My sister is being treated for a heart condition. 我姐姐正在接受心脏病治疗。
- This boy is being treatedfor a heart condition. 这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。
- He needs regular medication for a heart condition. 由于心脏问题,需要定期的医疗照顾。
- His father suffers from a heart condition. 他父亲患有心脏病。
- A heart condition disqualified him for military service. 心脏病使他不能符合服兵役的条件。
- Aortic valve stenosis (AS) is a heart condition caused by the incomplete opening of the aortic valve. 什么是'主动脉瓣狭窄-紧阀门减少血流由左心主动脉'?
- Philip Chawner has Type 2 diabetes and was eligible for gastric band surgery until he developed a heart condition. 菲利普 .;查尔患有2型糖尿病,并且在他心脏好转前还做过胃束带手术。
- Another warning sign of a medical emergency is difficulty breathing. This could mean a heart condition, or a hole or blockagein a lung. 突发急症的另一个征兆是呼吸困难。这可能是心脏问题,也可能是肺部阻塞或肺部出现空洞。
- A Dutch toxicologist says late Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic took a powerful antibiotic that neutralized his medication for a heart condition and high blood pressure. 一名荷兰毒理学家说,已故前塞尔维亚领袖米洛舍维奇服用了药性很强的抗生素,抵消了他服用的治疗心脏病和高血压的药物。
- If you've had a heart attack or heart surgery, or if you have another heart condition, ask your doctor about joining a cardiac rehabilitation program. 如果你曾有心脏病发作或做过心脏手术,或有其他心脏病况,你便要询问医生关于参加心脏康复计划的可能。
- Another warning sign of a medical emergency is difficulty breathing. This could mean a heart condition, or a hole or blockage in a lung. 突发急症的另一个征兆是呼吸困难。这可能是心脏问题,也可能是肺部阻塞或肺部出现空洞。
- Another warning sign of medical emergency is difficulty breathing, this could mean a heart condition or there could be a hole or a blukdge/blockage in a lung. 另外一种急救的危险信号是呼吸困难,这可能是心脏问题或肺部出现了穿孔或梗塞。
- Another warning sign of medical emergency is difficulty breathing.This could be mean a heart condition or there could be a hole or blockage in the lung. 另一个医疗急救的警戒信号是呼吸困难。这意味着心脏有问题或者是肺穿孔或者堵塞。
- He's still convalescing from a heart attack. 他仍在心脏病突发後的疗养中。
- The family also said, I should say, the family says he also had Kawasaki disease which is a heart condition that researchers believe can lead to convulsions and seizures. 家族声称,他还还有川崎式症,心脏状况不佳,研究人员确信其可能导致抽搐和发作。
- Dutch toxicologist says late Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic took a powerful antibiotic that neutralized his medication for a heart condition and high blood pressure. 一名荷兰毒理学家说,已故前塞尔维亚领袖米洛舍维奇服用了药性很强的抗生素,抵消了他服用的治疗心脏病和高血压的药物。
- Dressner, who has high blood pressure, diabetes and a heart condition, wrote a letter to her property managers demanding to be moved to a new apartment. 格拉迪斯女士有高血压,糖尿病,心脏还不好,受惊下后写信向房产管理员投诉要求换个公寓。房产管理人员约翰说格拉迪斯女士无需交10月份的房租,也不需付搬家费。
- He was a despot with a heart of granite. 他是个铁石心肠的暴君。
- He is a man with a heart of gold. 他是一位心地非常善良的人。