- Sputnik left Earth a half century ago this month. Now proponents hope to revive the romance of human space exploration. 第一颗人造地球卫星离开地球距今已经50年了。现在的爱好者希望继续这条探索太空的浪漫之旅。
- Electronic commerce is a new and certainly trendy name, but the practice it refers to originated a half century ago in the Berlin airlift (Seideman, 1996). 电子商务是一个新名词,当然同时也是一个流行词,但是它所指代的行为早在半个世纪以前柏林机场就发源了。
- The Gradall excavator difference starts with the boom.A concept born over a half century ago, aimed at increasing versatility and productivity. 美国格瑞道公司是一个生产制造伸缩臂液压挖掘机和高空作业叉车的工厂,具有50多年历史,其股票在纽约上市。
- These restraints, among others, eliminated most of the distressing inconsistencies of the unsophisticated forecasting world of a half century ago. 但是,就短期而言,我们更需要防止的是那种以各种借口反对打击通胀的倾向。
- A half century ago when the Asia Society was founded, Asia was frozen in a cold war, wracked by poverty, and seemingly destined for desolation. 半个世纪前,当亚洲协会成立时,亚洲深陷冷战的僵局,贫困肆虐,前景苍凉。
- Over a half century ago,Chinese revolutionary leader Mao Zedong said that mobilising ordinary people would bring about catastrophic defeats for enemies. 半个世纪前,中国革命领袖毛泽东曾说,动员了全体老百姓,就造成了陷敌于灭顶之灾的汪洋大海。
- Over a half century ago, Chinese revolutionary leader Mao Zedong said that mobilising ordinary people would bring about catastrophic defeats for enemies. 半个世纪前,中国革命领袖毛泽东曾说,动员了全体老百姓,就造成了陷敌于灭顶之灾的汪洋大海。
- In the same way that antibiotics and vaccines rid the world of infectious plagues a half century ago, says Lanza, these cells could for the first time eradicate the chronic, degenerative diseases of our day, such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease. 兰扎说,就像半个世纪前抗生素和疫苗使世界免受感染之苦一样,这些细胞可以第一次根治癌症、早老性痴呆症及心脏病等慢性病和变性疾
- Though cells were discovered two and a half centuries ago,it is only in the last hundred years that knowledge of the work of the nucleus has developed. 虽然细胞早在250多年前就发现了,但发现细胞核的作用,还是最近100年的事。
- Though cells were discovered two and a half centuries ago, it is only in the last hundred years that knowledge of the work of the nucleus has developed. 虽然细胞在两个半世纪以前就已发现,但有关细胞核功能的知识只是在最近一百年才积累起来。
- Re: Love stories of a Sichuan woman half century ago. 四川女人半世纪前的情劫。
- Since its debut about a century ago, and especially over the last half century, Asian American literature has gradually established itself as a discourse in American literature. 百年前滥觞的美国亚裔文学在最近半个世纪日益走向成熟,在美国文坛逐步确立了话语地位。
- This happened half a century ago. 这是半个世纪前的事了。
- For a half century, America defended our own freedom by standing watch on distant borders. 半个世纪以来,美利坚在遥远的边界上警戒地捍卫着我们的自由。
- The Red Army overran eastern Germany and Central Europe, which led to a half century of Communist enslavement. 红军占领了德国东部和中欧,从而导致上述地区半个世纪共产主义奴役。
- Two and a half century of the brand, generation of Mao Zedong's visit great man, so that Huo Gongdian Mingyangsihai. 两个半世纪的品牌,一代伟人毛泽东的光临,更使火宫殿名扬四海。
- I have a half dollar but no small coins. 我有一枚五角硬币但没有更小的硬币。
- Although the interpretation and draughting history of the RS image has been for one and a half century, it developed very slowly. 虽然遥感图像判绘技术已有一个半世纪的历史,但是判绘的基本方法则发展较为缓慢。
- This canal was cut out a century ago. 这条运河是一百年前开凿的。
- In the medieval history of the most significant events, which were Mongolia - Tatars rule for nearly two and a half century. 他们在中世纪历史中最为重大的事件,就是被蒙古-鞑靼人统治了近两个半世纪。