- a grade of B plus B 成绩
- She got a grade of B plus. 她的成绩是B+。
- Getting a grade of B plus like a B-plus or C minors a C-minus adds or s subtracts a few ten tenths of a point. 获得B+或C-之类的分数意味着增加或减少一个学分的十分之几。
- He merits a grade of B on his composition. 他的作文分数应该得B。
- get a grade of B plus 取得B+[+]的成绩
- I got a grade of 85% on the English test. 我英文考试得85分。
- Getting a grade like a B plus () B-plus or a C minus C-minus adds or subtracts of a few tense tenths of a point. 得到想B+或者C-的分数就加或者减去一分的十分之几。
- grade of B plus B的成绩
- A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant. 功夫茶中国的一种浓茶,茶叶采自茶树顶部第五片和最大的一片叶子
- A low number; a low grade of oil. 一个小的数; 低级油
- A grade of black tea consisting of the leaves around the buds. 香红茶,白毫(茶)一种由芽旁叶子组成的高级红茶
- If A is equal to D, A plus B equals D plus B. 若A=D,则A+B=D+B
- Before he was a young lady with a grade of 303 rooms between the packet. 跟着小姐一前一后进了一个房间标号为303的包间。
- You get an A grade for scores of 75 and over. 75 分及75以上的分数就是优等。
- A grade depends on the results of the final exam. 分科由期末考试的结果而定。
- In printing, a grade of paper made for hand writing and used in typewriters. It can also be used for printing. 印刷技术中一种手写和打字机用的纸,也可供印刷使用。
- This is a song written in the key of B flat. 这是一首降b调的曲子。
- A grade depending on the results of the final exam. 分级由期终考试的结果而定
- Blotting paper A grade of highly absorbent papers for absorbing ink after writing. 一类吸收性较强的纸。作吸收书写后的墨水用。
- You should use a higher grade of gasoline. 您该用高档汽油。