- He has a good stock of information. 他有丰富的知识。
- She's built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years. 这些年来她积累了大量教学资料。
- Supply of material ready for use He has a good stock of information. 他拥有大批资料。
- I buy a pair of shoes at a good price. 我以优惠的价格买了一双鞋.
- We always keep a good stock of drink on hand in case we have unexpected visitors. 我们总是备有很多酒,以防不速之客。
- Always keep a good stock of fresh fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator so that you are always prepared to eat healthily. 确保雪柜经常储备足够新鲜蔬果,让你随时可以吃得健康。
- She spends a good deal of money on shoes. 她会花大笔的钱买鞋。
- If I choose a good stock and hold it long enough,I can get good returns. 如果我能选择一种好股票,长期持投,我就能获得很好的收益。
- They have made a good job of the printing. 他们干印刷工作很出色。
- A good snoop would have sat behind the man's desk, looked under it for piles of shoes, rummaged through the bin. 优秀的窥探者会坐到办公桌后面去,看看下面有没有成堆的鞋子,翻翻垃圾筒里都有些什么。
- "They were a good pair of shoes," he thought. "I wonder if the shoemaker is still there and still has them. “那是一双好鞋,”他想,“我想知道鞋匠是否还在那儿,是否还有那双鞋。
- He has the makings of a good doctor. 他具有成为一名好医生的素质。
- A good mechanic with a stock of spare parts can keep it going indefinitely. 一个优秀的机修工用一些备用的零件就可以让机器无限地维持运转。
- She has a good grasp of the English language. 她精通英语。
- Take any one of these cards; Choose a good husband for your daughter; She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her. 从这些牌中挑选一张;给你女儿挑选个好丈夫。
- He threw away the chance of a good job. 他错过了得到一份好工作的机会。
- Unlike skateboarding (which parkour resembles in some ways), the only equipment required for parkour is a good pair of shoes. 与滑板不同(跑酷某些方面与滑板类似),跑酷所需的唯一工具就是一双好鞋。
- Swimming is a good form of exercise. 游泳是一种很好的运动。
- A good stock may go up even when the market is going down, while a stinker can go down even when the market is booming. 好的股票可能在市场下跌的时候依然上涨,而垃圾股可能在市场大好的时候依然下跌。
- I got out of the bed and had a good stretch. 我起床后舒服地伸了个懒腰。