- The doctor's report gave us only a glimmer of hope. 医生的报告仅给我们一丝的希望。
- I looked at her and felt a glimmer of hope. 我注视她,感到了一线希望。
- As long as a glimmer of hope, we can not give up! 只要有一线希望,就不能放弃!
- There is still a glimmer of hope. 仍有一线希望。
- Victims of the internet mob still have a glimmer of hope. 这些网络暴民的受害者们仍还有一丝希望。
- Only on the last day of his visit did I see a glimmer of hope. 只是在他来访的最后一天,我看到了一线希望。
- There's still a glimmer of hope left for the lost climbers. 迷路的登山者仍存有一线微弱的希望。
- As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we will spare no effort. 只要还有一线的希望,我们就要付出百倍的努力。
- The doctor‘s report gave us only a glimmer of hope. 医生的报告只给我们带来了一点点的希望。
- He can see a glimmer of light through the curtain. 他能透过窗帘看到一丝微光。
- After months of anguish, Jane and Ron Thurston at last had a glimmer of hope. 在历经数月的痛苦之后,简和罗恩·瑟斯顿终于有了一线希望。
- Wen Jiabao: As long as a glimmer of hope, we should strive to do a hundredfold. 主题:温家宝:只要有一线希望;就要尽百倍努力.;请问用英文怎么翻译!!!!!
- Cli: (If there were something I could say... Something that offers a glimmer of hope... (如果有什么我能说的就好了...一些能带来一线希望的话...)
- I didn't have a glimmer of what he meant. 我一点也不了解他说的意思。
- As long as a glimmer of hope, as long as it is possible survivors, we must make efforts a hundredfold. 只要有一线希望,只要有一点生还可能,我们就要作出百倍努力。
- The enzyme is still far from being ready to use as a treatment, the authors warned, but it offers a glimmer of hope for the more than 40 mln people infected worldwide. 作者(这个科学家)警告说这个酶仍然远未可以做治疗用,但是它为全球4千万患者提供一个闪亮的希望。
- A glimmer of smile came to the dry lips. 干枯的嘴唇漾出一丝笑意。
- The number of US students going to graduate school for science and engineering hit an all-time high in 2005, offering a glimmer of hope to pol... 2005年攻读科学与工程专业研究生的美国学生数量达到历史新高,让哀叹美国人对科学不感兴趣的决策者和企业总裁们看到了一线希望。
- Despite previously refusing to entertain the idea, general manager Uli Hoeness has offered a glimmer of hope that business could be done in January. 虽然此前他的申请被驳回,但是总经理霍内斯却为这次冬季转会打开了一线希望。
- It came after three state elections had given a glimmer of hope to the SPD, trailing Ms Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) by over ten points. 三州选举结果拖了默克尔的基民盟十多个百分点的后腿,这让社民党看到了些许希望之光。