- One of the dice has rolled under the table. 有一粒骰子滚到桌子下面去了。
- The best throw of the dice is to throw them away. 最佳的掷鹘子法,就是把它们扔掉。
- a fling of the dice 掷骰子
- They are all vultures round the bedside of the dying millionaire. 他们都是围拢在将要去世的百万富翁床边的贪心人。
- The excited fans had a fling at the lost team. 情绪激动的球迷们嘲弄输球的球队。
- Ted had a fling during the summer vacation. 泰德在暑假里纵情玩乐了一番。
- The young man had a fling at boxing. 那小伙子尝试拳击运动。
- It is the kick of the ass at the dying lion. 这可真是蠢驴对垂死的雄狮猛踢了一脚。
- The words caught the ear of the dying woman. 那话偶然被那垂死的妇人听到。
- Beyond the warmth of the dying Sun. 在垂死暖阳的彼岸。
- With a fling of arm, Dandy hauls Daniel onto the concrete of a building 200 meters away. 有钱仔把臂一甩,忧郁伟被扔了出去,撞在200米外的一栋建筑物外墙上。
- It's the plaintive call of the dying swan. 那是天鹅临死前的哀鸣。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- The plumber made a careful check of the pipes. 管子工对管道做了仔细的检查。
- The excited fan have a fling at the lose team. 情绪激动的球迷们嘲弄输球的球队。
- Miranda: So what's the big deal? It's just a fling. 此处译为一时的享乐。还有投掷,猛冲,嘲弄,扫视等意思。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- It must be the family members of the dying patient. 一定是哪个垂死病人的家人。
- Alike are the groans of love to those of the dying. 爱的呻吟与垂死者的呻呤何其相似。
- He has got a lot of mileage out of the shoes. 他已将那双鞋穿够了本钱。