- He burst a blood-vessel in a fit of coughing. 他一阵咳嗽咳破了一根血管。
- A fit of coughing could be heard from the inner room. 能听见从里屋传来一阵咳嗽声。
- Suddenly he was seized with giddiness [a fit of coughing]. 他突然一阵头晕[咳嗽]。
- The speaker broke off in the middle of a sentence with a fit of coughing. 讲话者一阵咳嗽,话讲了一半突然停了下来。
- He had a fit of coughing. 他咳嗽了一阵子。
- Just then Keshab was seized with a fit of coughing, which lasted for a long time. 就在这时候,柯沙布突然间咳嗽发作,持续了好长时间。
- A fit of dizziness came over her. 她感到一阵头晕目眩。
- He committed suicide during a fit of depression. 他一时想不开,自杀了。
- His wife has a fit of nerves again this morning. 今天早晨他的妻子又发了一通神经。
- In a fit of anger he turned the table over. 一时气急,他掀翻了饭桌。
- He burst into a fit of laughter. 他突然大笑起来。
- Another fit of coughing seized him. 他那咳嗽又一次发作了。
- She had a fit of hysterics and called him some bad names. 她一阵歇斯底里发作,骂了他几句。
- The old man is choked by another fit of coughing. 老人又是一阵咳嗽,喘不过气来。
- In a fit of rage, he had flung Paul's violin out of the window. 他一怒之下把保罗的小提琴摔到窗外。
- Have a fit of coughing; have a paroxysmal 阵发性咳嗽
- He tear up the manuscript in a fit of petulance. 他一怒之下把手稿撕碎了。
- The remark sent him into a fit of laughter. 这话使他大笑了一阵。
- He tore up the manuscript in a fit of petulance. 他一怒之下把手稿撕碎了.
- Cindy was taken with a fit of laughing in class. 辛迪上课时不禁失声大笑起来。