- At six-thirty or not more than a few minutes after. 六点半或者最多晚到几分钟。
- The doctor was on the spot a few minutes after the accident. 医生在事故发生几分钟后就赶到现场了。
- He was punch-drunk for a few minutes after he fell off his bike. 他从自行车上摔下来,一阵头昏眼花。
- The little girl came back a few minutes after she fainted. 小女孩昏厥几分钟后醒过来了。
- A few minutes after we started,the fog began to pass off. 我们动身后没几分钟,雾就开始散去。
- A few minutes after we started, the fog began to pass off. 我们动身后几分钟,雾就开始散去。
- The Italian team managed to kick a goal a few minutes after the match began. 比赛开始后几分钟,意大利队便进了一球。
- A few minutes after the burglars left he got it all together and called the police. 在小偷离开几分钟后,他镇静下来并报了警。
- Quick drying. The coated base can be removed and stacked up in a few minutes after coating. 干燥快,涂装数分钟之后即可搬运堆放。
- It took us a few minutes to get our breath back after the race. 赛跑后我们用了好几分钟才恢复了正常呼吸。
- In a few minutes Tom suddenly came to life. 一小会儿汤姆突然苏醒过来。
- Milk powder to fully reconcile the water, a few minutes after the water and milk powder can be fully dissolved with no precipitation. 把奶粉用水充分调和,几分钟后水可以与奶粉充分溶解在一起,没有沉淀。
- He went to bed and she followed suit after a few minutes. 他上床睡觉,几分钟后她也跟着去睡了。
- He's only popped out for a few minutes. 他刚出去一会儿。
- I'll be through in a few minutes. 我再过一会儿就会做完。
- I'll only keep you a few minutes. 我只耽搁你几分钟。
- The shops are a few minutes' walk away. 商店离此有几分钟的步行路程。
- Let's break off work for a few minutes. 我们把工作暂停几分钟。
- Let the soup simmer (for) a few minutes. 让汤再煮几分钟。
- A few minutes later after we parted he came up with me and gave me a letter. 我们分开几分钟后,他追上了我并交给我一封信。