- This is a fairly easy book. 这是相当浅易的书。
- This is a fairly(adv.) easy book. 这是一本相当容易的书。
- a fairly easy book 一本相当浅易的书
- And installing a bathroom ceiling fan is a fairly easy job for most people. 浴室安装吊扇是相当容易的大多数人。
- For some reason, I had a fairly easy adjustment, made some good Chinese friends, moved in with them my second year, and really enjoyed my stay. 出于某种原因,我的适应相当容易,与一些中国人成为好朋友,开始第二年与他们交游,在那儿我过得真的很快乐。
- In other words, he implied, this was a fairly easy and even fun way to make a buck and get publicity, especially for someone with no advertising power to speak of. 他表示,换言之,这是一种相当容易、甚至很有趣的挣钱和出名方式,对于没有广告推销能力的某些人来说更是如此。
- This is a fairly interesting book. 这是一本很有趣的书。
- This book is fairly easy for you to read. 正好合适你读。
- Although the climate is so, we have passed a fairly happy holiday. 尽管气候如此,我们还是度过了一个相当愉快的假日。
- It is such an easy book as he can read. 这是一本他能读的容易懂的书。
- If it were not for this shortcoming, he is a fairly good teacher. 要不是有这一缺点,他本是一个相当好的教师。
- You need a fairly rugged vehicle to cross the desert. 你需要有一辆相当坚固耐用的车子穿越沙漠。
- It is fairly easy to create a superficial visual difference. 要创造出一种表面视觉上的差异还是很容易的。
- Traditional fax has a fairly simple usage model. 传统传真有一相当简单的使用模型。
- It's a fairly large bed-sitting-room with a divan. 是一间相当大的卧室兼小起居室,有一张坐卧两用沙发。
- This also raises a fairly deep privacy question. 这也举起一公平地深的隐私问题。
- They played the overture at a fairly slow tempo. 他们用相当缓慢的速度演奏那首序曲。
- The bazaar has returned a fairly good profit. 义卖获利颇多。
- A fairly close resemblance; an approximation. 接近相当近似;接近
- I met a fairly unfair affair upstairs. 我在楼上遇到一件颇不公平的事。