- Then, conversation dwindles to the main entertainment, a dramatic monologue from Winston. 然后众人的高谈阔论逐渐变成温斯顿戏剧性的独白,这是压轴戏。
- The play is a dramatic representation of a real event. 这出话剧改编出自真人真事。
- The scholar made a dramatic gesture. 代笔先生来了个意想不到的行动。
- This is a dramatic case of CM infection. 这是一个引人注目的CM感染病例。
- a dramatic monologue 戏剧独白
- Something improvised, especially a dramatic skit. 即兴作品即兴而作的东西,尤指戏剧小品
- He flung out his arms in a dramatic gesture. 他夸张地张开双臂。
- She made a dramatic speech at the meeting. 她在会上发表了激动人心的演说。
- There's been a dramatic drop in circulation. 发行量出现了巨幅下滑。
- By August a dramatic reversal had occurred. 到了八月份,情况发生了显著的变化。
- Something improvised,especially a dramatic skit. 即兴作品即兴而作的东西,尤指戏剧小品
- A dramatic composition written for one performer. 独角戏为一个演员而创作的剧本
- The principal role in a dramatic production. 主角戏剧作品中的主要角色
- The characters in a dramatic or literary work. 人物表戏剧或文学作品中的角色
- In Kuwait a dramatic contest of ideas. 在科威特,(关于妇女权利的)观念的争论相当激烈。
- Chapter Five reveals the indeterminacy of interpretation of Browning's dramatic monologue. 第五部分揭示了布朗宁戏剧性独白阐释的不确定性。
- To act, especially in a dramatic production. 扮演演出,尤其指在戏剧作品中演出
- To Browning, the dramatic monologue is an ingenious means to exploit his literary gift without getting too personal. 对布朗宁来说,戏剧独白是一种既能开发文才,又可与角色保持一定距离的灵活方式。
- She tried a dramatic role for size. 她试演戏中一个角色看看是否能够胜任。
- To perform in a dramatic role or roles. 扮演,担当戏剧角色中扮演