- The house faces a docile body of water. 这幢房子面朝一泓平静的湖水。
- a docile wife 温顺的妻子。
- He trembled lest he himself should lose a docile pupil. 他担心自己会失去一个听话的学生。
- I am a docile, female in sincere Asia.I make firm decision, friendly character. 我是一个善良;诚恳的亚洲女性.;我有决断;随和的个性
- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- I am a docile, female in sincere Asia. I make firm decision, friendly character. 我是一个善良;诚恳的亚洲女性.;我有决断;随和的个性
- Then she would take lessons; and a docile, intelligent, assiduous pupil she made. 后来她要学,变成了一个驯服、聪明、用功的学生。
- You are a docile guy living in a street inhabited by these speedster goons who always taunt you for your demeanor. 你是一个容易教的人住在被总是为你的态度嘲弄你的这些以高速行走的人呆子居住的一条街道。
- It is never wise to come between a man and his wife. 干预人家夫妇间的事是不智的。
- People with Leo always present themselves as proud and active. so a docile shepherd dog is their best choice. 狮子座给人最深的印象是骄傲和积极.;所以性情优良的牧羊犬是最适合他们的狗
- My teachers think I am a docile student and doing well in scholl.I am good at all the lessons except English. 我是一个在老师眼里听话,学习成绩很好的学生,我的其它功课还可以,但唯独我的英语水平实在不行。
- Hope at you of the soft noodles huge underneath have a docile of heart.Don't be intemperate. 希望在你柔和的面庞下面有着一颗善良的心。别太过火。
- Henry has had a bellyful of his wife's complaints. 亨利对他妻子那些抱怨话已经听厌了。
- It's not easy to be a docile subject, cursed by old friends while suspected by the new master at the same time. 顺民难当,背负骂名还要遭新主猜忌。
- In the play, you can see how the heroine, Dorothy, makes other's matchmaker become her owns and how the hero, Fungid, becomes a docile and good lover from a stubbom man. 看剧中女主角多丽如何从别人的媒人变成自己的媒人,男主角范基德如何受爱情滋润,从老顽固变成百依百顺的好情人。
- Workers have long demanded for a legislated wage increase but the government's export-oriented economic strategy is anchored on maintaining cheap wages and a docile labor force. 劳工因此有立法增加薪资的长期需求,但政府的出口导向经济策略却维持在低工资与易驾驭劳动力的定位。
- Captured in war or sold into servitude, their numbers are large and provide a docile, well-ordered, and inexpensive labor supply. 这些奴隶有的是战俘,有的来自于奴隶贩卖交易,他们驯服,遵守秩序,为其主人提供了大量廉价的劳动力。
- I have a wife and two children to support. 我有妻子和两个小孩要扶养。
- A docile herd animal native to the grassy plains of Naboo, shaaks are rotund grazers raised for their meat by Naboo shaak wranglers. 夏克兽原生于那卜草原上,是温驯且身材圆胖的草食动物,那卜的夏克兽牧人饲养牠们以取得牠们的肉。
- I owe a lot to my wife and children. 我很感激我的妻子和孩子。