- It was a discreet apartment in a quiet street. 那是间位於一条僻静的街上不引人注意的公寓房间。
- In Kata, a discreet hair clip is permitted. 在形比赛中适当的发夹是被允许的。
- a discreet passageway 不引人注目的通道
- They went down to a discreet part of the corridor. 他们下了楼,在走廊上找到了一处僻静的地方。
- From that moment the debate was lost. Churchill sat up, gloating at his critics with a discreet twinkle, like a cat presented with an unexpectedly large bowl of cream. 从那一刻起,辩论就已告失败。丘吉尔坐直身子,扬扬得意地看着批评他的人,审慎地眨着眼睛,那副样子就像猫意想不到地被赏给一大碗奶油似的。
- They separated at her doorstep with a discreet handshake. 他们在她的房间门口拘谨地握了握手,分手了。
- She flashed the young man in the comer a discreet glance. 她向坐在角落里的年轻人投以审慎的目光。
- She flashed the young man in the corner a discreet glance . 她向角落里的青年投以谨慎的眼光。
- His trusted discreet aide; a discreet,finely wrought gold necklace. 他值得信赖的、谨慎的副官;制作精良的金项链。
- She flashed the young man in the corner a discreet glance. 她向角落里的青年投以谨慎的眼光。
- Over the events taking place in the bedroom the censor drew a discreet viel. 监察官对卧室里发生的事情小心翼翼地避而不谈。
- A discreet gift pacifies anger, a bribe diverts violent rage. 投入怀中的礼物,可平息狂怒。
- We have discovered that the young man is a discreet and economical fellow. 我们发现这个年青人是个既谨慎又有经济头脑的小伙子。
- Her husband always follows at a discreet distance, like a small round dog trotting after its mistress. 她丈夫总是小心地保持着一定的距离跟随着她,就像一只滚圆的小狗小跑着跟在女主人的后面。
- He kept a discreet distance until the hunters joined him; then they went forward and removed the bear from the net. 在猎人们与他会合之前,他一直与狗熊保持稳妥的距离;会合后他们便冲上前去从网中弄出了狗熊。
- The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes Than seven men who can give a discreet answer. 箴26:16懒惰人看自己、比七个善于应对的人更有智慧。
- A musical bell softly sounded somewhere in the passageway. 走廊的某处响起轻柔悦耳的铃声。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- I love a liar more than a speaker of truth, and an indiscreet liar more than a discreet one. His indiscretions are a sign of his love for his readers. 吾爱撒谎者甚于谈真理者,爱轻率之撒谎者甚于慎重之撒谎者,因其轻率乃他喜爱读者之表现也。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。