- It's a crusade against corruption. 这是一场反腐败的运动。
- a crusade against corruption 反腐化运动.
- Thousands of people took to the streets to crusade against corruption in the government. 数千名群众走上街头抗议政府贪污。
- The students are crusading against corruption. 学生们正在参加反腐败运动。
- Honorius also undertook a crusade against the Moors in Spain (1218) and settled the Barons' War in England (1223). 1218年洪诺留也曾组织十字军进攻西班牙境内的摩尔人。1223年平息英格兰的诸侯战争。
- The hugely influential conservative author of “The Purpose-Driven Life”, a multimillion-selling tome, has embarked on a crusade against AIDS. 这位具有重大影响的保守人士,多达数百万册销量的《标竿人生》的作者,已经高举抗击艾滋病的旗帜。
- English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites(1427 - 1431)and crowned Henry VI king of France and England(1431. 博福特,玛格丽特1441-1509英国兰开斯特王朝拥护者。通过她的儿子亨利·都铎(后来的亨利七世)和有影响的伍德维尔家的女儿伊丽莎白的婚姻,她与约克党人结成联盟
- English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites(1427-1431) and crowned Henry VI king of France and England(1431). 英国教士的外交家,作为罗马教庭使节反对胡斯派(1427-1431)并为亨利6世加冕。
- The hugely influential conservative author of "The Purpose-Driven Life", a multimillion-selling tome, has embarked on a crusade against AIDS. 这位具有重大影响的保守人士,多达数百万册销量的《标竿人生》的作者,已经高举抗击艾滋病的旗帜。
- English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites (1427-1431) and crowned Henry VI king of France and England (1431). 博福特,亨利:(1377?-1447)英国高级教士和外交家。他是罗马教皇的使节,委以肃清胡斯运动派成员(1427-1431年)的任务,并为法国和英国国王亨利六世加冕(1431年)
- Here, stirring faded memories, was a Christian army overrunning a Muslim land, in pursuit of what George Bush once carelessly called a “crusade” against terrorism. 在这里,一支基督教的军队猖獗在一片穆斯林的土地上,激起了人们已经消退的记忆,他们在追求的,是布什曾不经意宣称的对于恐怖主义的“圣战”。
- In the tradition of the televangelist, that bond has survived its creator's metamorphosis from austere crusader against corruption to a man who clearly enjoys power and its perquisites. 在电视传道的传统中,这种密切联系使得他经受住了惊人的变化,从一开始的严厉打击腐败现象到现在一个独享权力与额外利益的人。
- urging parents to join a crusade against crime 力劝父母参加打击犯罪的运动
- The fight against corruption is a gradual process. 反腐斗争是一个渐进的过程。
- For 23years he led a crusade for peace. 他领导了一场和平运动23年之久。
- Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession. 她致力于一伟大事业,但其崇高的奋斗精神已变质成为偏执的狂热。
- They launched a new campaign against corruption. 他们发动了新的反贪污运动。
- He carried on a one-man crusade against disease. 他一个人进行去疾病运动。
- Has your peaceful nature led you on a crusade? 和平的天性,是否已令你投向圣战?
- He is proof against corruption as witness his poverty. 他的贫困足以证明他是廉洁的。