- A coal miner's work is not a bed of roses. 煤矿工人的活计可不轻松。
- A coal miner's job is dirty and dangerous at best. 即使是在最好的条件下,煤矿工人的工作也是又脏又危险的。
- Then a coal miner came by carrying a load of coal. 然后一个煤矿工人扛着一袋煤经过。
- A coal miner's job is not a bed of roses. 煤矿工人干的可不是舒服惬意的工作。
- Walter Morel - Gertrude's husband, a coal miner. 沃尔特莫雷尔 -格特鲁德的丈夫,一个矿工。
- A coal miner's job is dirty and dangerous at best . 即使在最好的环境下,煤矿工人的工作也是又脏又危险。
- Except the mem'ries of a coal miner's daughter. 只有矿工女儿的回憷疞捓鍷颏忆。
- He is a coal miner and his job is dirty and dangerous at the best. 他是一个煤矿工人,他的工作再好也免不了既脏又危险。
- I am a coal miner. 咱们是矿工。
- A coal miner for most of his years, father knew only the hardest kind of life. 父亲当了大半辈子煤矿工人,饱尝着生活的艰苦。
- As a coal miner, Mr. A always looks like something the cat dragged in. (A先生是个煤矿工人,看来总是脏兮兮。)
- He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes. 他几分钟就画了一幅那位煤矿工人的素描。
- D.H. Lawrence, the fourth child of a coal miner, was Born in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, on September 11, 1885. 戴·赫·劳伦斯是一个煤矿工人的第四个孩子,1885年9月11日出生于英国诺丁汉郡伊斯特伍德煤城。
- Joe Duffey was a coal miner's son who was morphed into a weak, ultra-liberal elitist. 乔.;达菲是一个煤矿工人的儿子,却被他们描绘为一个软弱的、超自由班底的崇尚精英至上的人。
- State-owned Shenhua has already announced plans to transform itself from a coal miner into a producer of power, oil, chemicals and methanol. 国有的神华集团已宣布计划,旨在把自身从一家煤炭开采企业,变成电力、石油、化学品和甲醇生产商。
- "Being from Merthyr, where everyone has a relative who was a coal miner, or knew somebody who was a miner, this seems just crazy," she said. 她说:“作为一个梅瑟蒂人,当地每人都有一个亲戚曾经是矿工,或者认识的人曾在矿里干过,这种事情真是快把人逼疯了。”
- A coal miner. 矿工采煤工人
- They are ventilating the sap of a coal mine. 他们正在使煤矿坑道通风。
- A coal fell from the fire and burned the mat. 一块煤炭从火中掉出来,烧坏了地席。
- We saw a documentary about Yorkshire coal miners. 我们看了一部有关约克郡煤矿工人的纪录片。