- The British equivalent for a CPA is called a chartered accountant. 在英国,相当于CPA的人被称为特许会计师。
- Andrew is a chartered accountant and graduated with a BSc(Hons) in Physics from Imperial College, London. 特许会计师,及伦敦大学帝国理工学院物理学荣誉理学士。
- A Chartered Accountant and Chartered Secretary, KC was trained in the USA and Japan in Human Resource Development, Organisation Development and Consultancy. kc曾在美国和日本接受过人力资源发展、组织发展和咨询方面的培训。
- Cristian has two brothers, both of them older than him: Bartolomeo, a chartered accountant, and Angelo, a humanities teacher: truly a family of teachers! 克里斯蒂安有两个兄弟,他们都比他大:巴托罗梅奥是个正式的会计,而安杰洛是一个人文学科的教师:确实一个教师之家!
- He is a chartered accountant. 他是一名注册会计师。
- I embarked on my political life after working many years as a Chartered Accountant with a Bachelor Degree in Accounting from the University of Otago, New Zealand. 80年代中旬,先修班毕业之后,负笈纽西兰考取特许会计师资格,投入专业服务,受到时局的影响,决定从事全职政治。
- The company was granted a charter trade in the occupied territory. 这家公司被授予特权,可以在被占领地区进行贸易活动。
- A chartered town or borough in Scotland. 苏格兰自治城市苏格兰的一个特许镇或自治乡镇
- A good education is a charter to success. 良好教育是取得成功的保证。
- Is that a regular flight or a charter flight? 这是一架正常班机还是团体包机?
- Is that a regular flight or a charter fight? 这是一架正常班机还是团体包机?
- A charter was granted to the town many years ago. 该市镇多年前已获得特许状。
- A people which accepts a charter abdicates. 人民接受宪章便是退位。
- They were granted a charter by the government. 他们由政府办法了执照。
- He was a charter member of the movement. 他是运动的发起人之一。
- a chartered accountant 持证会计师
- Accountant who has passed the professional examination and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant. 通过专业考试并且是“特许会计师协会”的成员。
- A certification by a Chartered Accountant acting on behalf of the employer that the employer needs to employ such foreigner within the Republic and outlining the foreigner's job description 代表雇主方的注册会计师出具的,证明该雇主需要雇佣申请人在南非工作的证明信,并描述其工作内容
- Thus AICPA and CICA offered jointly thewebtrust service in 1997. The webtrust is a professional service offeredby the chartered accountant. 但是,网誉认证服务发展时间较短,其理论框架还未正式形成,在本文中笔者将针对网誉认证的特性,构建网誉认证服务的理论框架。
- Chartered Accountant and Chartered Secretary, KC was trained in USA and Japan in Human Resource Development, Organisation Development and Consultancy. 他是特许会计师、特许秘书,他曾经在美国和日本参加过人力资源发展,组织开发和咨询服务的培训。