- Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum; a cerebral hemisphere. 大脑半球大脑侧面半部分的任何一个; 大脑半球
- Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum;a cerebral hemisphere. 大脑半球大脑侧面半部分的任何一个;大脑半球
- Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum ; a cerebral hemisphere. 所有脑部的伤害都发生在大脑部份称之为脑的地方。
- Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum; a cerebral hemisphere 大脑半球大脑侧面半部分的任何一个;大脑半球
- On the study, a cerebral hemispheric functions tend to aggregate learning and motor learning. 就学习而言,大脑有半球的功能倾向于整体性学习和运动性学习。
- One of the cerebral hemisphere is diffusely echogenic. 胎儿一侧大脑半球弥漫回声。
- a cerebral hemisphere 大脑半球
- Your left cerebral hemisphere controls the right-hand side of your body. 你的左半脑控制身体的右半身。
- Aside from the bilateral occipital lobes, both English and Nepali activated areas were the left cerebral hemisphere dominant. 汉语任务主要是大脑半球双侧激活,英语任务及尼泊尔语任务大多为左侧大脑半球激活。
- Objective To study the characteristics of Chin ese agrammatism in the patients with right cerebral hemisphere stroke. 目的研究右半球是否参与汉语语法的加工以及病变时语法障碍的特点。
- Swelling of the left cerebral hemisphere has produced a shift with herniation of the uncus of the hippocampus through the tentorium, leading to the groove seen at the white arrow. 左大脑半球肿胀通过小脑幕形成海马钩回疝和正中线偏移,从而出现此处白色箭头所示的沟。
- This glioma of the cerebral hemisphere demonstrates a mass effect. Note the variegation of the neoplasm, with areas of red, tan, white, and brown. 大脑半球胶质瘤显示的肿块病变。注意肿瘤颜色混杂,存在红色、褐色、白色以及棕色。
- This is an MRI scan demonstrating a discreet mass along the lateral convexity and extending from a dural base impinging upon the cerebral hemisphere. MRI清晰可见右侧一肿块压迫大脑半球。
- The sudden onset of neurologic symptoms involving speech and motor areas should suggest a stroke in the left cerebral hemisphere. 当和脑部管理说话及运动区,有相关的神经症状,突然病发时,意谓著左半脑里受到中风。
- His cranial MRI showed the abnormal long T1 and T2 signals at bilateral centrum ovale, corona radiate and basal ganglia area of the cerebral hemisphere. 头颅MRI示双侧大脑半球半卵圆中心、放射冠、基底节区多个点状长T1、长T2异常信号。
- Here is a large remote cerebral infarction. Resolution of the infarction has left a huge cystic space encompassing much of the cerebral hemisphere in this neonate. 新生儿大的陈旧性脑梗死灶。液化性坏死的溶解留下了一个巨大的囊性空腔,它包绕大脑半球的大部分。
- Also during that year, Nino Valenti died of a cerebral hemorrhage. 另外,在那一年里,尼诺 - 华伦提脑溢血死了。
- There were chromatin loosing and vacuoles in nuclei,axonal dendritic swelling and contents reduction in patients with acute cerebral hemisphere swelling. 而急性脑肿胀病人,细胞核染色质疏松,胞核内有空泡,轴索树突肿胀、空洞、内容减少。
- The effect of Borneol on neurological deficit and the ratio of right/left cerebral hemisphere areas, infarct size in mice with middle cerebral artery occlusion. 结果冰片注射液可延长小鼠结扎双侧颈总动脉及迷走神经、常压耐缺氧后的存活时间,提高MCAO小鼠行为学评分,降低脑梗死面积及脑指数。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。