- Those in capital intensive industries are skilled at applying return on investment and breakeven analyses. 那些资本密集行业的分析师长于应用投资回报和盈亏平衡分析。
- London is spelt with a capital L'. London一字中L是大写的。
- Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter. 专有名词用大写字母。
- Relating to or being a capital letter. 大写字母的关于或是一个大写字母的
- capital intensive industry 资本密集型工业
- A capital letter written in this style. 安色尔字体的大写字母
- a capital - intensive industry. 集约工业
- Capital Intensive A process or industry that requires large sums of financial resources to produce a particular good. 资本密集需要大量财务资源生产个别货品的生产过程或行业。
- But, in fact, one often finds production techniques in both agriculture and industry to be heavily mechanized and capital intensive. 但是事实上,人们通常发现不管在农业还是工业中,生产技术都是重型机械化的和资本密集型的。
- Murder in the first degree is a capital crime. 谋杀是死罪。
- You know treason is a capital offence. 你知道背叛是一种严重的罪行。
- Each state of the United States has a capital. 美国每一个州都有一个首府。
- The life of oil field from finding to discarding can be tens of years or even more and it is an industry of manpower intensive, capital intensive and technique intensive. 油田从发现至枯竭要经历几十年甚至更长的时间,这是一个人力密集、资金密集、技术密集型的产业。
- Begin every sentence with a capital. 每个句子开始要用大写字母。
- The Smith Company has a capital of $30000. 史密斯公司有3万美元的资本。
- Ah,this letter gives me an idea--a capital idea! 嗯!这封信倒使我有了一个主意--一个重大的想法!
- In the future,capital technology intensive industry with hi-ti additoned value and high profit return will become the focus of the development of our courtry. 而在未来,高技术附加值、高收益的资本技术密集型产业将逐渐成为我国发展的重点。
- The company has a capital of $40000. 公司拥有四万美元资本。
- English is written with a capital 'E'. English 一词中字母 E 大写。
- Therefor, the author suggests developing the“ new” labour intensive industry and puts forward corresponding measures. 为此,笔者提出了发展“新型”劳动密集型产业的建议及相关的政策措施。