- The aged peasant is advancing slowly with the aid of a cane. 那老农凭借手杖的帮助,慢慢地往前走。
- A cane or staff used as an aid in walking. 手杖用于帮助行走的杆或棒
- The man was so weak that he had to walk with a cane. 那人太虚弱了,不得不拄着拐杖走路。
- He switched the boy with a cane. 他用手杖抽打那个小孩。
- An old man was walking with a cane. 一位老人在拄着拐走路。
- He always walks carrying a cane with a silver tip. 他经常拄着镶银顶的拐杖散步。
- On long walks, the old man took along a cane. 走远路时,老人带着手杖。
- a cane mill 甘蔗榨汁机
- Nobody out there but some old gaffer with a cane. 外面没别的人,就只有一个拄着拐棍的乡下老头。
- The lame old man used a cane to get about. 这跛足老人利用一根棍杖来各处行走。
- She thrashed the children with a cane. 她用藤条痛打孩子们。
- Do they use a cane at St. Brutus`,boy? 在圣布鲁托斯他们会用藤条吗,孩子?
- He gets a leg lamed and has to walk with a cane. 他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。
- A blind man with a cane was passing by. 一个拄着拐杖的盲人走过。
- The old man walked feebly away, supporting himself with a cane. 老人拄着拐棍儿,有气无力地走开了。
- Supporting himself with a cane, the old man walked feebly away. 老人拄着拐棍儿,有气无力地走开了。
- It is still difficult for him to get round without a cane. 他不用手杖走动还是有困难的。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- I am now able to walk alone, sometimes using a cane. 我现在能够独自走路了,有时用一下拐杖。
- Zhang Qian came here by holding a cane, with a weather beaten face. 张骞杖节而来,一脸风霜。