- Police discovered a cache of weapons in the room. 警方在房间里发现了一批隐藏的武器。
- The police raided the house and uncovered a cache of weapons. 警方突然搜查这幢房子,发现了秘藏的武器。
- a cache of stores 用品密藏处
- The police raid the house and uncovered a cache of weapons. 警方突然搜查这幢房子,发现了秘藏的武器。
- Used to synchronize the access to a cache of extents that contains pages that are not allocated. 用于同步对包含未分配页的区数缓存的访问。
- A shopping mall. That means a lot of stores. 一个购物广场,代表有许多商店。
- A struggling young couple stumbles upon a cache of dirty money after a shootout in their apartment building. 一对为生活而奋斗挣扎的年轻夫妇偶然在一次公寓黑帮火拼里面得到了一个装满黑钱的箱子,为了更好的生活,他们夹带私逃。
- Huang Guangyu owns a chain of stores. 黄光裕拥有很多连锁店。
- Codex: A cache of lore and secrets recorded by a krewe and used by another to access supernatural benefits. 秘典:由通灵会所记录下的知识与秘密的储藏容器,旁人使用它能得到超自然的助益。
- A lot of stores were robbed during the black out. 在停电中许多商店遭到抢劫。
- To decrease server load and excessive queries to Active Directory, DSAccess maintains a cache of configuration information from resultant query data. 为了降低服务器负载并减少对Active Directory过多的查询,DSAccess维护着一个缓存,用于存储数据查询结果中的配置信息。
- Rioters set fire to a whole row of stores. 暴徒们放火点燃了整排商铺。
- A cache of the same size will accommodate only a fraction of the number of the larger pages, leaving less flexibility in arranging the space. 具有相同大小的高速缓存将只能容纳一部分较大页面,从而限制了空间安排的灵活性。
- Windows Forms applications also traditionally offer data-access scenarios that benefit from maintaining a cache of records, such as displaying records one by one in the form. Windows窗体应用程序传统上还提供有益于维护记录缓存(例如逐一在窗体中显示记录)的数据访问方案。
- A common use for weak references is to implement a cache of objects without requiring that an object be kept alive solely because it appears in the cache. 弱引用常用于实现对象的高速缓存而不需要该对象一直有效,因为它会被缓存起来。
- Your dad set a lot of store by it. 你父亲很珍爱它。
- A SCSI controller that has a cache of its own can also speed up things since most of these services incur a large number of small modifications to the disk. 有缓存的SCSI控制器能快速实体上升,更多服务获得巨大的数,只需要磁盘细微的更改。
- The failure to read a bit of stored information. 信息遗失不能读出一部分存储信息
- In a followup raid, police discovered a cache of nearly 5,000 unsold pianos. The smugglers allegedly made tens of millions of yuan selling the contraband. 警方随后在一场突袭中,查获一个藏有近5,000架尚未出售之钢琴的仓库。这些走私犯涉嫌贩卖这些走私品,获利上千万人民币。
- In May, police recovered a cache of explosives and automatic rifles from the region based on information they said was provided by arrested extremist Islamists. 五月,警方在该区发现一个储存炸药和自动步枪的窝点,并有消息声称,这些是由一个被拘留的伊斯兰激进分子提供。