- an outburst of heavy rain; a burst of lightning. 地震引起火山的爆发。
- an outburst of heavy rain; a burst of lightning 大雨的爆发,闪电脉冲
- There was a burst of laughter in the next room. 隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。
- Two weeks of heavy rain is a bit thick. 一连下了两个星期大雨,真叫人受不了。
- A storm is comprised of heavy rain and high winds. 暴风雨有暴雨,并伴有狂风。
- His every sentence was followed by a burst of applause. 他的每一句话都赢得一阵掌声。
- Zheng turns to send boxes with both palms and a burst of heavy box energy actually pushes Xue several feet away.He, then, withdraws into the inner part of the fort. 政:(一面闪避攻击;心想)如今四将三兄弟无一人在此;他们却还有童心尹天雪等高手...要杀他们不急在这一时;反正他们自己还会送上门来的!
- Three weeks of heavy rain is a bit thick. 一连下了三天大雨, 真叫人受不了。
- The remark occasioned a burst of applause. 这番话激起一阵掌声。
- That remark gave occasion to a burst of laughter. 那句话引起了一阵笑声。
- Then she tickled me into a burst of laughter. 然后,她用手指轻轻地搔我,痒得我发出一阵大笑。
- The car passed us with a burst of speed. 那辆车子突然加快速度超过我们。
- She remained in because of heavy rain. 她因下大雨而没有出去。
- Upon his appearance there was a burst of applause. 对他的出现爆发了一阵喝彩声。
- I'm sure of heavy rain this afternoon. 我确信今天下午有场大雨。
- The reaction of the chemicals was a burst of smoke. 那些化学药品的反应结果是一股烟。
- Tea is a burst of a long silence. 红袖又是一阵长久的沉默。
- A burst of shower was fervent and painful. 突然袭来的阵雨热烈而且痛苦。
- The conjunction of heavy rains and high winds caused flooding. 暴风雨的同时发生引起了洪水泛滥。
- The last words produced a burst of handclapping. 最后的这句话博得一阵热烈的掌声。