- Light a firecracker with a burning joss stick. 用香火点燃爆竹。
- Each episode would last the duration of a burning joss stick. 每集故事的时间长度为一炷香的时间。
- The storyteller would start by talking about the day's news, then continue with riveting classic tales from Ancient China. Each episode would last the duration of a burning joss stick. 说书人通常是先评论当日的新闻,接着便讲述中国古代经典的传奇故事。每一章节都会持续一炷香的时间。
- a burning joss stick 一炷香
- He goes to the temple to burn joss sticks every 15th day of the month. 每逢既望之日他都会去寺庙烧香。
- At left, a worker, arranged flames of burning joss sticks as people prayed at a temple in Shanghai, China. 在中国上海一个寺庙内工作者多烧香被安排的火种。
- These two famous banyan trees are a favourite with local villagers who come to burn joss sticks and incense papers hoping their wishes will come true. 林村许愿树是本地著名的祈福胜地,按照习俗,村民会向这两棵大榕树诚心许愿,燃点香烛冥镪,祈求愿望成真。
- Remember that there is an idiom: Do not burn joss sticks at ordinary times, seek help at the last moment.Very appropriate. 记得有句成语:平时不烧香,急来抱佛脚.;非常恰当
- While Wu-k'ung was sitting in the middle of the temple watching the burning joss sticks, a ghost entered to announced, "Another God Erh-lang has arrived. 鬼判们磕头迎接,他坐中间点查香火,有人来报:“又一个爷爷来了!”
- Would you kindly shake out a joss stick. 您能不能再求一神签?
- He was trapped in a burning house. 他被困在正在燃烧的房屋里。
- He carried a burning stick to light the way. 他拿个火把照路。
- Burning Joss Sticks in a High Pavilion 高阁焚香图
- She felt a burning animosity towards them. 她对他们深恶痛绝。
- He took a burnt stick up from the ground. 他从地上捡起一个燃烧过的棍子。
- With the third joss stick in her hands, Ying-ying said nothing. 那第三住香,莺莺却不做声了。
- You can get a burn if you are not careful. 如果你不小心,你可能会灼伤。
- It is a colourless liquid with a burning taste. 这是有强烈味道的无色液体。
- It produced a burning sensation in my arm. 这让我的胳膊像火烧一样疼痛。