- There isn't a bottomless pit of money for public spending. 公共开支并非用之不尽的。
- Law is a bottomless pit. 法律是无底的深渊。
- An angel casts the devil into a bottomless pit for one thousand years. 一个天使把魔鬼扔进一个无底的深渊,关押一千年。
- Chapter 19-22: Rejoicing in heaven, the devil thrown into a bottomless pit, a new heaven and new earth. 第19-22节:天堂的欢乐,魔鬼被扔进一个无底的深渊,一个新天新地。
- Investors have poured money into a bottomless pit, attracted by growth when they should have been repelled by it. 投资者本该对航空行业的增长倍加排斥,他们却为该行业的增长所吸引而将钱投入了无底洞。
- They establish similar concepts, referring to a place that sinners deserve spend eternity in, it is a lake of fire, a bottomless pit, and is a place of constant suffering. 其中心概念都一样,是罪恶得到报应的地方,是火海,是无底深渊,是无限的痛苦。
- Debt is like a bottomless pit. 债务就像无底洞。
- Position toilet is very pallet, the foot steps on two bricks, wall of the hill after agley of next a bottomless pit is connected all the time by, gold baby this inch rolls abide finally hill wall. 阵地厕所极为简陋,脚踩两块砖,底下一个无底洞斜斜地一直通到后山壁,黄金宝贝便循此慢慢前进最后滚出山壁。
- a bottomless pit; a bottomless lake. 无底深渊;深不见底的湖泊。
- Truth is the bottom of a bottomless well. 真理是无底井的底。
- She had a bottomless well of love for me. 她有一座无底的井;对我源源不断流出爱.
- arbuthnot: Scottish physician and writer noted for his satirical anti-Whig pamphlets published as Law Is a Bottomless Pit (1712) and later retitled The History of John Bull. 阿巴思诺特·约翰: 苏格兰医生及作家,以其反对英国维新党的讽刺性小册子著名,出版有《法律是无底洞》(1712年),后更名为《约翰·布尔的身世》
- a bottomless pit 深坑
- Unfortunately, the genius of a man bands into the mix of water baptism, in light of priceless, the weak bottomless pit. 一个男人的天资不幸地混杂在水的洗礼中;在稀世光芒和无底深渊中渐显虚弱.
- a bottomless pit, gorge, etc 无底的深坑、 峡谷等.
- Law is a bottomless pit 法律是无底的深渊。
- And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 我又看见一位天使从天降下,手里拿着无底坑的钥匙,和一条大链子。
- It is a bottomless money pit for IS departments to upgrade bloated applications (and the hardware needed to run them) that boast features few people use. 对信息系统部门来说,对庞大的应用程序(以及运行这些程序的硬件)进行升级是投钱的无底洞,而这些应用程序吹嘘的特点几乎没有人使用。
- Clubs are cornucopia or bottomless pit, future developers do not build the project also no club ? 会所,究竟是聚宝盆还是无底洞,今后开发商再做项目还要不要建会所?
- Money is a bottomless sea, and truth may be drowned. 金钱是无底的海洋,荣誉、良心和真理都可以淹没在其中。