- Which is a bona fide Offer in writing from a Third Party Purchaser which 第三方购买人发出的为一善意书面要约,而该第三方购买人应
- Is it a bona fide, reputable organization? 这是不是个合法的、值得信赖的机构?
- The employer is a bona fide resident in the HKSAR. 雇主须为香港特区的真正居民。
- Madonna is a bona fide music star. 麦当娜是一个不折不扣的音乐明星。
- Is that a bona fide Rembrandt or a modern copy? 那是一件伦勃朗的真迹还是现代仿制品?
- It's nothing short of a bona fide miracle. 这绝对是一个真真切切的奇迹。
- a bona fide offer. 真诚的赞助
- You must get 80% for this course in order to be a bona fide Fundi. 要想成为一名名副其实的“方迪”,您必须要有80%25的正确率。
- In fact, it was Harrison's lead guitar that transformed the ensemble into a bona fide rock @n@ roll band. 事实上,将这支合唱团转化成为真正的摇滚乐团的,就是主音吉他手哈里森。
- Benefit for the Knicks: Zeke gets to keep Zach Randolph, and New York would be agog over finally having a bona fide super-duper star to root for. 对尼克斯的好处:奇克来帮助伦道夫,纽约最后会热烈的欢迎一位真正的大牌球星来球队的。
- A bona fide holder for value takes free from any defect inthe title of his predecessors. 有价证券善持有人有受前手所有权缺陷的影响。
- Nonetheless, Kaminsky and others said the vulnerability is a bona fide threat to users. 尽管如此,卡明斯基和其他人说,脆弱性是一个真正的威胁,给用户。
- She once told me that she hope to record her own album one day,and to become a bona fide singer. 练歌之余,我们也略有分享我们各自的梦想。她曾经告诉我,她的梦想,就是当一名好歌手,灌录自己的唱片。
- On Saturday Harry and the Potters will headline an all-ages matinee at the Middle East, a bona fide rock club. [more... 本周六哈利和波特一家将大标题告示一场适合各年龄观众的日场演出于“中东”,一间正派的摇滚乐酒吧。
- "He remembered the Episcopal liturgy," Mr.Day says, "and sounded like a bona fide preacher. 黛说,麦凯恩还记得主教礼拜仪式,而且听上去像个货真价实的布道者。
- A bona fide counterpart has the right to withdraw it before the contract is ratified. 合同被追认之前,善意相对人有撤销的权利。
- It is enforceable not only in personam against the trustee but in rem against the whole world except a bona fide purchaser for value without notice. 它不仅在对人方面有对抗受托人的强制力,而且在对世方面有对抗全世界的强制力,除非一个善意的购买者不注意而购买了财产。其
- Initially, he concentrated upon establishing himself in the eyes of Japanese and Western intelligence as a bona fide journalist. 起初,他集中全力使日本和西方情报机构深信他是个真正的新闻记者。
- All Vedic literatures advise us to approach a bona fide spiritual master to get free from the perplexities of life, which happen without our desire. 古印度的韦陀圣典劝谕我们接近真正的灵性导师,摆脱非我们所愿而切实存在的困惑。
- Or included in the display of an article in a bona fide art gallery or museum and visible only from within that gallery or museum. 或属于真正美术馆或博物馆展览品之一部分,而只于美术馆或博物馆内方可看到者。