- a biserrate leaf margin. 双锯齿叶边
- Denticulate Describing a leaf margin that is finely toothed. 具细牙齿的:叶片的边缘有细密的锯齿。
- Petiole and leaf margin glabrous. 叶柄和叶缘无毛。
- Leaf margin denticulate or entire, ciliate; mature berry dark purple, smooth. 叶缘具小齿或全缘,具缘毛;成熟的浆果深紫色,平滑。(7
- This species shows great variability in stem branching, leaf shape, leaf margin, and peduncle length. 本种在茎的分枝,叶形,叶缘,和花序梗长度方面显示了巨大变化性。
- Description: Herbaceous vines, glabrous except for pubescent on stem nodes, petioles, and leaf margin. 形态特徵:纤细草质藤本,除茎节、叶柄和叶缘被短柔毛外全株无毛。
- Trichomes stalked, 3- or 4-rayed stellate, sometimes forked or simple at leaf margin and on sepals. 毛状体偷偷走近,在叶缘和在萼片上的3或4呈线状射出的星状,有时以叉叉的或单的。
- Trunk straight, terete; bark thick and deeply furrowed at base. Branches short. Petiole and leaf margin pubescent. 树干直,圆柱状;树皮厚和深深棱槽在基部。分枝短。叶柄和叶缘短柔毛;
- Leaf margin prominently doubly serrate, apex acute, blade oblong-lanceolate, base cuneate; hypanthium glabrous. 叶缘显著重锯齿,先端锐尖,长圆状披针形的叶片,基部楔形;托杯无毛。
- Leaf margin crenate-serrate, petiole and veins on abaxial leaf surface densely pubescent. 在叶背面密被短柔毛上的叶缘圆齿状锯齿,叶柄和脉。
- Leaf margin obtusely serrate; pome depressed-globose or globose, often projected at apex. 叶缘钝锯齿;梨果扁球形或球状,经常,在先端伸出了。(14
- Leaf margin often acutely serrate; pome ovoid, attenuate at apex, not or slightly projected at apex. 尖锐的叶缘通常有锯齿;梨果卵圆形,衰减在先端,不或者稍微计划在先端。(15
- There was a nice red tick in the margin. 边上打了一个漂亮的红勾。
- Branchlets and petioles glabrous, inflorescence hairy when immature; leaf margin not reflexed, abaxially glabrous. 小枝和叶柄无毛,开花有毛什么时候未发育完全;不反折的叶缘,背面无毛。
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- Petals purplish red or red; stem leaf margin entire, sometimes mammillate; inflorescences cymose. 花瓣紫红色或红色;茎生叶边缘全缘,有时;花序聚伞状。(27
- Leaf margin denticulate; calyx lobes glabrous; anthers with short spurs, tubules longer than thecae. 叶缘具小齿;萼裂片无毛;花药具短距,细管长于囊。(91
- She won by a comfortable margin. 她获胜成绩远远超过其他人。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。