- a battered old car; the beaten-up old Ford. 破旧的老汽车;破旧的老福特车。
- a battered old car 一辆破旧的老爷车
- You sound a little hoarse. Why are you wearing such a strange mask and a battered old sword case? W. 你的声音有些沙哑,还带着如此怪异的面具,背着灰不溜秋的剑筒,你为什么会这样?
- The old car was travelling at quite a clip. 那辆旧汽车开得相当快。
- He raced his old car against a sports car. 他驾驶他的老爷车跟跑车比赛。
- I am going to sell this old car, and buy a new car. 我打算卖掉这辆旧车,再买辆新车。
- Half a battered Mercedes estate. 一半打烂的奔驰财产。
- A little paint will transform this old car. 喷点漆就能让这辆旧车变个模样。
- He put his old car on the market. 他将他的旧车标价出售。
- I ran to my room, got a battered suitcase. 我跑回自己的房间,找到一个破旧的衣箱。
- She hates the sight of that old car. 她见到那辆旧汽车就讨厌。
- A battered wife has adequate grounds for a divorce. 受虐待的妻子有充足的理由要求离婚。
- In fact, I think an old car is better than none. 事实上,我认为有一辆旧车总比没车强。
- My old car has finally taken the count. 我的那辆旧车终于被废弃了。
- The alertstance of a batter in baseball. 棒球击球手的击球姿势。
- Mix the egg with flour and water to form a batter. 用鸡蛋,面粉,水做成面糊。
- I wouldn't pay 300 for his old car it's too steep. 我才不花300英镑买他那辆旧汽车呢--这个价钱太高了。
- Once a year a race is held for old cars. 每年举行一次旧式小汽车比赛。
- A play in which a batter or base runner is retired. 出局的一击击球者跑垒者被罚出局的一击
- The old car lumbered up the hill. 那辆旧车摇摇晃晃地开上了小山。