- A band of thieves robbed me of all the money and jewels I had and fled. 一伙儿强盗在几分钟之内,抢光了我所有的钱和珠宝,然后逃走了。
- They are a villainous band of thieves. 他们是一群恶棍一样的小偷。
- He was waylaid by a band of guerrillas. 他遭到游击队的狙击。
- He was attacked by a band of ruffians. 他遭到一伙暴徒袭击。
- A band of robbers held up the train. 一群强盗抢劫了火车。
- The band of thieves decamped in the night. 窃贼团伙星夜潜逃了。
- A band of gray hair encircled his bald dome. 他的秃头顶四周长着一圈灰白的头发。
- We met a band of vagrant beggars there. 我们在那里遇到了一伙流浪的乞丐。
- He ignited the wood with a band of hay. 他用一把干草引燃了这些木柴。
- Each piece had a gold rim and a band of roses. 每一件都绘有金边和玫瑰花束。
- Suddenly, a band of stars appeared in the sky. 忽然,一串星星出现在夜空中。
- A band of ducks is swimming in the lake. 一群鸭子游在湖面上。
- We were set upon by a band of robbers. 我们遭到了一帮强盗的袭击。
- A band of grey hair encircled his bald dome . 他的秃头四周长着一圈灰白的头发。
- A band of grey hair encircled his bald dome. 他的秃头四周长着一圈灰白的头发。
- A band of leftists took over the consulate. 一群左翼分子接管了领事馆。
- He has made his house a den of thieves. 他把自己的家变成了一个贼窝。
- The sky was grey, with a band of white on the eastern horizon. 天灰蒙蒙的,东方地平线上透出一缕白光。
- A band of low pressure is moving across the country. 一个低压带正横越该国.
- A band of material worn round the wrist for warmth or support. 腕套,护腕用来保暖或支撑而戴在手腕的带状物