- The boy had a bad attack of malaria. 那个男孩得了严重的疟疾。
- The boy had a bad attack of malaria 那个男孩得了严重的疟疾。
- You're heading for a bad attack of sunburn. 你会被严重晒伤的。
- a bad attack of malaria 严重的疟疾
- A bad attack of influenza can lay you by for several weeks. 严重的流感会使你卧床好几周。
- He has had another attack of malaria. 他又发了一阵疟疾。
- A bad attack of flu can lay you up longer than you think. 严重流感会使你卧床的时间比想象得长。
- A bad attack of influenza can lay you up for a few weeks. 重流感会让你卧床好几周。
- A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden. 因腰部风湿病发作得很厉害,使他无法做园子里的工作。
- A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden . 因腰部风湿病发作得很厉害,他无法做园子里的工作。
- He had frequent attacks of malaria. 他常患疟疾。
- A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden 因腰部风湿病发作得很厉害,他无法做园子里的工作。
- Recurring daily. Used especially of attacks of malaria. 每天发生的,尤指染有疟疾的
- A high incidence of malaria in the tropics. 热带地区疟疾的高发率
- I've just recovered from a bout of malaria. 我患了疟疾, 刚刚痊愈。
- Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria. 蚊子是疟疾的传播媒介。
- I have a bad cold and I am full of catarrh. 我得了重感冒,总流鼻涕。
- He was seized with a slight attack of fever. 他有一点发烧。
- The spread of malaria is like a two-way street. 疟疾的传播就像一条双向街道。
- After a bad fall I was out of action for a month. 我在重重地摔了一跤後,有一个月的时间不能行动。