- Zuo Qiu Ming 左丘明
- Qiu Ming is the Si Lafu Petroleum Company that buys after reaching joint-stock agreement with BP. 秋明是在与BP达成合资协议后收购的斯拉夫石油公司。
- The poem, Shan ju qiu ming, is the most excellent one which describes the mountain and river, using brief words, explicit pictures, and forms further scene and is filled of beauty; and at the same time in the scene the feature is exhibited. 摘要《山居秋暝》以洗练的笔墨绘出画面,形成幽远的意境,充满了诗情画意之美,而在所绘意境中又处处透出丰采神韵,深得情景交融之妙,不愧为山水诗中的珍品佳作。
- Xiao Ming studies as hard as Qiu Ting. 小明和邱婷学得一样刻苦。
- I suppose we'll have lunch at the Ming Tombs. 我想我们将在十三陵吃午饭。
- Zuo Qiu being blind 左丘失明
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。
- How do Li Ming improve his English? 李明是怎样提高他的英语水平的?
- "Qi Ming patriots who have come hereyin shi zuo fu , Guan Yulan sheng . 明代爱国名将戚继光也曾到这里吟诗作赋,游关览胜。
- Li Ming speaks English a lot fluently than Wang Ping. 李明讲英语比王平讲得好很多。
- Zuo QingHou was most proud of three things. 左二爷平生最得意的有叁件事。
- The pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty is still in good repair. 建于明代的那座塔现在还完好无损。
- Words fxiled him.He wept as he enbraced Uncle Zuo. 他流着泪抱住了左叔叔,一句话也说不出来。
- Zhang Qiu Zhen Yu Forging Co., Ltd. 章丘振宇锻造有限公司宁波三鑫机电制造有限公司。
- Lao, Liu, ni zuo zher. Lao Fan, ni zuo zher. 老刘,你坐这儿,老方,你坐这儿。
- Ren Qiu Gao Yi Welding Equipment Co., Ltd. 任丘市高益焊接设备有限公司。
- Ruwu that Tathagata Zuo Shinian: 'When I have that. 实相,是世界的真实,事物的本来面目。
- Qiu Baochang: Now is large area really divulge. 邱宝昌:现在确实是大面积泄露。
- Xin ling di lue ying / [zuo zhe, Chengzhenfashi]. 心灵底掠影 / [作者; 澄真法师].
- "Clearly, QIU Shi-kai is the speakers chiling. 显然,邱士楷是林志玲的扩音器。