- Zhouyi Zhengyi 周易正义
- The concept of number originated very early and divination by Zhouyi might be its earliest origin we know. 摘要数字观念的源起很早,《易》占可能是已知最早的源头。
- In a sense, the revelation and influence of Zhouyi and Yi-ology rum all along through the thought of Qin-Han Period. 摘要从某种意义上讲,《周易》及易学的启示和影响始终是贯穿秦汉思想的发展历程的。
- Can go up in ABAC peak, ma Yun (right) describing he and Sun Zhengyi (left) two Internet " maniac " foresight. 在ABAC峰会上,马云(右)描述着他与孙正义(左)两位互联网“狂人”的远见。
- There are news system with functions all ready, forum and shopping center of Zhouyi in the site. 网站具有功能齐备的新闻系统、易学论坛、易学商城。
- While Zai is accurate and fatidical, sun Zhengyi is synchronous also the investment that is running oneself. 在准确预言的同时,孙正义也同步运作着自己的投资。
- Zhou Zhengyi and his wife, Mao Yuping, were both arrested in 2003 in connection with a massive bribery case. 周正毅和妻子毛玉萍两人因涉嫌行贿大案,于2003年先后被捕。
- Sun Zhengyi plaints, mobile phone function is very powerful really, need jotter no longer. 孙正义感叹,手机功能真的非常强大,不再需要笔记本。
- In this course, he exploited his advantages of philological research, with the help of Zhouyi and Yi-ology, to elaborate his thought. 在这一过程中,他充分发挥文献考证的优势和特点,同时又注意借助《周易》和易学来表达自己的思想主张。
- The visit of that one Tian reachs ” Zai in the speech, of Sun Zhengyi most refer but can be this word. 在那一天的访问及演讲中,孙正义最多谈及的可能就是这句话。
- Lu Zhengyi, Luo Yong, Two limit cycles in three dimensional Lotka-Volterra systems.Computer Math. 陆征一(译);动力系统的稳定性;四川科学技术出版社;2003.
- Teng Zhidong, Lu Zhengyi, The effect of dispersal on single-species nonautonomous dispersal models with delays.J.Math. 陈兰荪;宋新宇;陆征一,数学生态学模型与研究方法;四川科学技术出版社;2003.
- Original creation of Wei Boyang in zhouyi theoretics is yue ti na jia theory and the theory created a new view of zhouyi theoretics. 魏伯阳在易学史上具有独创性的思想是“月体纳甲”说,该说开辟了易学理论的新视界。
- Reportedly, many real estate projects in Shanghai Zhou Zhengyi has been in suspension status, domino effect has begun to show. 据悉,目前周正毅在上海的众多房地产项目已经处于停工状态,多米诺骨牌效应已经显现。
- The 5th, when necessary, the way that opens divinatory symbols of Zhouyi article bastard again undertakes providing forecasting, discover from which more the problem of deepness. 首先,从民俗风水的因素来说,要结合房主夫妇及家人属相,出生年月日时主命理,以人为本,为人服务。
- Taoism Zhengyi sect claims the Quanzhen sect has the worst of all worlds: Buddhist diets, Confucian obedience, and Daoist hairstyles. 正一派诙谐全真派是世界上最差的教派:吃佛教徒的饭,读儒教的书,留道士的发型。
- The full confirmation from market gives more confidence to Zhengyi people and arouses Zhengyi people's stronger creation ability, too. 市场的充分肯定给了正意人更坚定的信心,也激发了正意人更强大的创造力。
- It is said that advocators of pseudo-Qigong once called on all Qigong masters to jointly give off powers toward four persons: Yu Guangyuan, Sima Nan, Guo Zhengyi and He Zuoxiu. 伪气功的鼓吹者号召所有的气功师,联合起来向四个人发功,第一个是于光远,第二个是司马南,第三个是郭正谊,第四个才是我何祚庥。
- ZHOU Dun-yi, as one of the Five Masters and the initiator of the neo-Confucianism, successfully set up his ideology concerning heaven and humanity with the Zhouyi as his academic basis. 作为“理学开山”的周敦颐成功地以《周易》作为自身的学术根基,建立了理学史上第一个高度哲学化的天人之学。