- Zheng songs are obscene 郑风淫
- They say the images are obscene. 警方称这些是淫秽照片。
- My favorite kinds of songs are ballads. 我最喜欢的歌曲类型是抒情歌。
- His songs are often expressive of joy and love. 他的歌曲经常表现欢乐爱情。
- Their songs are filled with merriment. 他们的歌声充满欢乐。
- The songs are stories of struggle and pride. 这些歌讲述的是奋斗和自尊的故事。
- Folk songs are a source of literature. 民歌是文学的一个源头。
- Never tell stories that are not decent, ie that are obscene. 切勿讲不雅的故事.
- Her songs are so mellow, you know. 你知道,她的歌太甜了。?
- Most of his songs are pretty crummy. 他的歌曲大多糟糕透顶。
- What songs are lined up for tonight's broadcast? 今晚的广播安排了哪些歌曲?
- Their songs are played on the radio and TV. 他们的歌在广播和电视播放。
- The state or quality of being obscene. 伤风败俗的状态或内质
- I reckon that all rock songs are rubbish. 我觉得所有的摇滚歌曲都是垃圾.
- My songs are lost in their depths. 我的诗歌在它们的深处消失。
- The songs are about mostly serious subjects. 歌曲要表现的多是严肃的主题。
- Thanks Discman. All songs are so classic. 我还是比较喜欢广东篇的,谢谢分享。
- As soon as popular songs were accepted, fans appeared in a rash. 流行歌曲一被接受,追星族就大量涌现。
- The skeleton face took on a cunning expression that was obscene. 骷髅脸现出狡诈的表情,那表情是令人厌恶的。
- Now popular songs are in fashion. 现在流行的歌曲是在时装。