- H-O Isotopes of Gold Deposits in the Hanging Wall of Zhao - Ping Fault Belt 招平断裂带上盘金矿床氢氧同位素地质特征
- Zhao - Ping fault belt 招平断裂
- Muqun total area of 18 square kilometers, including the Bao Zi Shan, Zhao Ping Shan, and several other Muqu Dome, 14 burials have been cleared, Juma Keng 2. 墓群总面积18平方公里,包括大堡子山、赵坪圆顶山等几个墓区,已清理墓葬14座,车马坑2座。
- Palaeohigh, magma intrusion belt and basement fault belt are favorable areas of abiogenic gases accumulation. 古隆起带、岩浆侵入带以及基底大断裂带是无机成因天然气的有利聚集带。
- There are some zoned anomalies of Ag, Sb and V along the Xichuan fault belt in Xichuan area, Hena Province. 在河南省淅川地区沿淅川断裂带分布着以银、锑、钒为主的带状异常。
- Wuxia fault belt in the eastern part of northwestern margin of Junggar basin is an important part in the thrust belt of the northwestern margin. 摘要乌夏断裂带位于准噶尔盆地西北缘的东部,是西北缘冲断带的一个重要组成部分。
- Xiarulin ilmenite deposit locates in east part of Gongdanshan uplift in Yishu fault belt, and west part of Fulaishan-Baifenzi fault belt. 下儒林钛铁矿位于沂沭断裂带内汞丹山凸起的东部边缘,浮来山白粉子断裂的西侧。
- During the fault activities,the clastic rocks in fault belt and the volcanic rocks are the migration path.During the quiet perio... 在断裂活动期,碎屑岩和火山岩断裂带都可以作为油气运移的通道,在断裂平静期,火山岩断裂带可以作为油气运移的通道,碎屑岩断裂带对油气起封闭作用。
- Reporter: This is Zhao Pinging, a reporter from the English Service of China Radio International. 记者:你好,我是中国国际广播电台英语中心的记者赵萍萍。
- Wu-Xa fault belt is located in the eastern part of thrust zone in northwestern margin of Junggar basin, which was tectonically the most active area here. 摘要准噶尔盆地西北缘冲断带东段的乌夏断裂带是西北缘构造活动最为强烈的地区。
- The genesis of the deposit was connected with vocanism and directly controlled by structure.The volcanism is connected with the regional deep fault belt. 其矿床成因,除与火山作用有关之外直接受构造的控制,而火山作用本身又与区域深大断裂有关。
- Wu-Xia fault belt is located in the eastern part of thrust zone in northwestern margin of Junggar basin, which was tectonically the most active area here. 准噶尔盆地西北缘冲断带东段的乌夏断裂带是西北缘构造活动最为强烈的地区。由于多期的构造活动,断裂的平面和剖面形态呈现出复杂化和多样性。
- If a vein deposit occurs at a fault belt with gentle dipping angle it trends to be controlled by slate,argila-ceous or siliceous cements at the roof Of the fault. 若矿脉发育于高角度的断裂裂隙中时,则矿脉往往是相互平行的多条,且呈雁行排列。
- The NW and NWW fault belts controlled the forming of the deposit. 北西向、北西西向断裂带为控矿构造。
- Through core analysis, well logging, borehole log and seismic data, the sedimentary facies feature and depositional system in Triassic in Wu-Xia fault belt of Junggar basin is systematically studied. 摘要通过岩心、测井、录井、地震等综合资料,系统研究了准噶尔盆地乌夏断裂带三叠系的沉积相特征及沉积体系。
- According to different conditions in the source area, the circular spatial window centered in the epicenter and the parallelogrammic spatial window along the fault belt have been selected. 结合震源区不同的情况,分别选取了圆形和沿断层带分布的平行四边形空间窗。
- Zhao Ping Wei Tongli Wu Jin (Microelectronics Center; Southeast University; Nanjing; 210096; CHN); 东南大学微电子中心;210096;
- Ah Q looks idiotic before Master Zhao. 阿Q在赵太爷面前显得呆头呆脑。
- Author Sui TongboLiu Kezhong Wang JingGuo Suihua Liu Yun Zhao Ping (China Building Materials Academy); 作者隋同波;刘克忠;王晶;郭随华;刘云;赵平;
- Wu-Xia fault belt is a large-scale overthrust belt developed from Late Carboniferous to Triassic and faults mostly develop below the Triassic. 乌尔禾-夏子街断裂带是一个晚石炭世至三叠纪发育起来的大型逆掩断裂带,断层主要发育在三叠系以下层位,侏罗系以上近于单斜形态。