- Zen Buddhist though 女性态度
- Some young people study Zen Buddhism or Bahai. 有些年轻人研究禅宗佛教或伊斯兰巴哈教派的教义。
- Meditation as practiced in Zen Buddhism. 坐禅象禅宗佛教中习练的默想
- At a Zen Buddhist temple in southern Japan, even the dog prays. 在日本南部一处佛教禅寺,就连狗狗都会拜拜。
- Though King Hu was greatly influenced by Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, he successfully made himself different by adding the essence of Zen Buddhism into his films. 尽管深受日本导演黑泽明的影响,但胡金铨在自己的影片加入禅和佛教的场景,成功地创造了自己的风格。
- The establishment of the Chinese Zen Buddhism as an independent Buddhist sect came through from Bodhidharma to Huineng. 中国禅宗经历了从菩提达摩至惠能而真正创宗立派,独立门庭。
- A writer and communications consultant in New York, Baran was once a Zen Buddhist priest. 他曾是个禅宗大师。
- Damo was born in Southern Tianzhu and was the founder of the Chinese Zen Buddhist sect. 达摩出生于南天竺,是佛教禅宗的创始人,自古有达摩一叶渡海的传说。
- With the spreading of Zen Buddhism, tea drinking became popular practices around Tiantai Mountains area. 与此同时,喝茶之风随着禅宗的流传,在天台山弥漫开来。
- Bodhidharma known as the Chuzu Chinese Zen Buddhism, Shaolin Temple, known as the Zen Zuting. 达摩被称为中国佛教禅宗的初祖,少林寺被称为禅宗的祖庭。
- During the first half of the meeting, Legislator Lin poked fun of him for being a "Zen Buddhist expert" in terms of evasiveness. 当初是因为三项军购在这边拜讬,现在随便。
- This temple is still the headquarters of the Jodo Shinshu religious school which is a sect of Zen buddhism. 现在这座寺庙仍然是净土真宗教学院的总部。净土真宗是佛教禅宗的一个派别。
- Zen Buddhism, the most typical sect of Chinese Buddhism, is in fact a hybrid of Indian and Chinese cultures. 中国佛教最典型的宗派是禅宗,实际上禅宗是印度文化与中国文化融合的产物。
- And as Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Buddhist says “be kind to your negative thoughts, notice them, then love them”.Then you can cancel, clear, delete them. 正如禅宗大师 释一行 所说:“善待你的负面情绪,要留意它们,关爱它们”,然后就可以把它们消灭,清除,删除干净了。
- Huineng founded Zen Buddhism in China, as the product of its social life, more far-reaching effects, of course. 慧能创立的禅宗作为佛教中国化的产物,它对社会生活的影响当然更为深远。
- Zen Buddhism was so popular in Song Dynasty in which gerentocratic officers are also Zenists. 苏轼于佛教中更偏爱禅宗。
- Yongxin, the abbot, says monks practice kung fu 'with an understanding of Zen Buddhism and love of the temple. 少林主持释永信称,少林僧众是心怀对禅理的领悟和对少林的热爱而习武。
- He often read the Buddha Scripture in the Chinese Library when he was in American, and never changed his zealousness to the Buddhism though there was rich material life surround him in American. 在美留学期间,他有空就常到中文图书馆里阅读藏经,并不因美国物质上舒适的生活,而改变了学佛的思想。
- From their point of view,there are no conflicts. In Christianity,God is a specific entity,but the "God" of Zen Buddhism is "emptiness". 对他们而言,这是不冲突的,因为在基督教,上帝是个具像,而禅的“上帝”是空性。
- From their point of view, there are no conflicts. In Christianity, God is a specific entity, but the "God" of Zen Buddhism is "emptiness". 对他们而言,这是不冲突的,因为在基督教,上帝是个具像,而禅的“上帝”是空性。