- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- Zeiss objective 蔡斯物镜
- Try to be more objective about it. 尽量更客观地对待此事吧。
- A college education is my objective. 我的目标是获得大学教育。
- A judge must give an objective opinion. 评判员必须发表公正的意见。
- Everest is the climber's next objective. 埃佛勒斯峰(即珠穆朗玛峰)是这个登山者的下一个目标。
- Those Zeiss lenses havegreat reputations. 它们用的蔡司镜头可是名声在外啊。
- Carl Zeiss does not dither about. 蔡司对于作坊的未来是踌躇满志。
- Her principal objective was international fame as a scientist. 她的主要目标是当个有国际声誉的科学家。
- Our ultimate objective is the removal of all nuclear weapons. 我们的最终目标是消除所有核武器。
- They also gave demonstrations through the Zeiss projector. 他们还用蔡司投影机进行了表演。
- While in 1986, Carl Zeiss Jena resumed production of cameras. 1986年,耶拿东蔡重新开始生产相机。
- EOS1V, AI-EOS RING, CARL ZEISS ZF25 2.8, AGFA ULTRA 100.... 偶很少拍人像,用的又是非人像头,多包涵(非电子环,全部全开光圈)...
- In1863 Carl Zeiss is appointed supplier to the Grand-Ducal court. 1863年,卡尔.;蔡司成为宫廷的指定提供商。
- Still, the history of Zeiss is primarily a history of microscopes. 蔡司的历史主要是显微镜的历史。
- This is an objective fact no one can deny. 这是谁也无法否认的客观事实。
- My objective this summer will be learning to swim. 我今年夏天的目标是学习游泳。
- Objective To study effect of exogenous rivanol. 目的探讨外源性雌激素对利凡诺引产的影响。
- His objective was to finish by Octobe. 他的目标是在十月前完成。
- This is an objective law independent of man's will. 这是不以人们意志为转移的客观规律。