- Zapus princepsn. 美洲林跳鼠
- In this field he is facile princeps, and has left all competitors behind. 在这方面,他是出类拔萃的,使其他的竞争者望尘莫及。
- In this field he is facile princeps,and has left all competitors behind. 在这方面,他是出类拔萃的,使其他的竞争者望尘莫及。
- There is no bonded storage in the city of Jiaxing,but there is one in port of Zapu. 现嘉兴市区内没有保税仓库,但乍浦港有一个。
- In this special field she is facile princeps, and has left all competitors behind. 在这一特定领域里她是出类拔萃的, 并使所有的竞争者都落后于她。
- It's the situation. If you need to have investigation in port of Zapu? we can arrange it. 情况就是如此,是否有需要再去乍浦港实地考察和咨询,如有需要,我们可以安排。
- In that special field of science he is fac'ile princeps, and has left all competitors behind. 在这一专门的科学领域中,他是出类拔萃的,使其他的竞争者望尘莫及。
- In the time of the Principate's consolidation, all the princeps' power and the status followed old conventions. 元首制巩固时期,元首的各种权力和元老院的地位与作用皆由奥古斯都时期沿袭而来。
- Artemisia princeps Pamp. 黄花艾
- Bacteriastrum hyalinum var. princepsn. 透明辐杆藻异毛变种
- Oscillatoria princeps var. maximan. 巨颤藻大型变种
- ZAPU; Zimbabwe Conference on Reconstruction and Development; 津巴布韦重建发展会议;
- Tissue Cuiture and Plantlet Regeneration of Artemisia princeps 魁蒿的组织培养及植株再生
- Total Naphtha In Artemisiae Princeps Pamp'Isolated by Microwave Technique 微波法提取魁蒿叶中的总挥发油
- "In this special field she is facile princeps, and has left all competitors behind." "在这一特定领域里她是出类拔萃的; 并使所有的竞争者都落后于她.;"
- Radiation resistance of spirulina princeps G.S. West and its nutrition and health function 螺旋藻的抗辐射及其营养保健功能
- Keywords biofilm;nitrogen and phosphorus removal;eutrophication;Oscillatoria princeps; 生物膜;氮磷去除;富营养化;巨颤藻;
- In this special field she is facile princeps, and has left all competitors behind 在这一特定领域里她是出类拔萃的, 并使所有的竞争者都落后于她。
- Keywords Artemisiae Princeps Pamp;Naphtha;Microwave irradiation;Continuum microwave reactor; 关键词魁蒿叶;挥发油;微波辐射;连续微波反应器;
- Zapus hudsoniusn. 草地林跳鼠