- Zantedeschia melanoleucan. 紫心黄马蹄莲
- Either of two North American wading birds(Tringa melanoleuca or T. flavipes) having yellow legs and a long narrow bill. 黄脚鹬两种北美涉水禽(大黄脚鹬或小黄脚鹬)的一种,腿呈黄色,喙细长
- Effects of R/B ratio on the production of Zantedeschia plantlets in vitro using light emitting diodes. 交流供电的红光发光二极体应用于彩色海芋组织培养苗量产栽培之可行性探讨。
- A method of systematic sampling has been adopted for Giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Foping Nature Reserve. 采用系统抽样方法对佛坪自然保护区大熊猫的夏季栖居地进行了研究。
- The effect of different cultivation treatment on growth in Zantedeschia was studied in the greenhouse. 摘要以引进的彩色马蹄莲品种为材料,利用不同栽培处理对其在温室中的生长影响进行了初步研究。
- The rabbit anti-giant panda serum was obtained by immunizing rabbit with mixed serum of Ailuropoda melanoleuca. 用大熊猫(Ailuropda melanoleuca)的混合血清免疫家兔;获得兔抗大熊猫血清。 用兔抗大熊猫血清作抗体;分别以黑熊、小熊猫等动物的血清作抗原;进行免疫扩散实验和对流免疫电泳实验.
- A giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) yawns in its enclosure at the Yuantong Zoo in Kunming, China. 在中国昆明的圆通动物园里,一只大熊猫(熊猫科属)在围栏里打哈欠。
- Its Latin name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, is that it refers to black-and-white appearance. 现在的大熊猫的臼齿发达,爪子除了五趾外还有一个“拇指”。
- Business Scope The main imported varieties are flower bulbs of Lily, Tulip, Gladiolus, Iris, Hyacinthus, Zantedeschia, high quality seedlings of rose. 圃朗特公司主要经营的进口品种有:百合、郁金香、唐昌蒲、鸢尾、风信子、马蹄莲等优质花卉种球以及玫瑰等优质种苗,同时还将我国特色花卉蝴蝶兰、造型富贵竹等销往欧洲国家。
- A rare, bearlike mammal(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) of the mountains of China and Tibet(Xizang), having woolly fur with distinctive black and white markings. 猫熊,熊猫产于中国和中国西藏山区的一种稀有,象熊的哺乳动物(大熊猫)栗色毛皮上带有明显的黑色花纹
- This paper made a study on the life cycle of Bashania fabri, which is staple food for Ailuropoda melanoleuca, and put forward the model of theory of bamboo population development. 从分析竹类种群的生命周期出发;并以大熊猫主食竹种冷箭竹的种群动态研究为例;建立了竹类种群动态的理论模式.
- The leaf epidemis morphology of 3 species from Zantedeschia, Alocasia and Monstera of Araceae were examined under light microscope and measured under micrography analyzer. 摘要利用光学显微镜对天南星科马蹄莲属、海芋属、龟背竹属的3种代表植物的叶表皮形态进行观察,同时用显微分析技术对3种植物细胞大小进行了测量。
- The paper describes the process of establishment and cryopreservation of a Giant Panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) skin fibroblast cell line. 简要介绍了大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)皮肤成纤维细胞的建系过程和冷冻保存。
- The leaf epidemis morphology of 3 species from Zantedeschia,Alocasia and Monstera of Araceae were examined under light microscope and measured under micrography analyzer. 利用光学显微镜对天南星科马蹄莲属、海芋属、龟背竹属的3种代表植物的叶表皮形态进行观察,同时用显微分析技术对3种植物细胞大小进行了测量。
- Comparison of two evaluation methods on wild animal habitat suitability: A case study of Ailuropoda melanoleuca in Daxiangling Mountains. 评估动物栖息地适宜性的两种方法比较:以大相岭山系大熊猫种群为例
- The goal of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) breeding program is to develop a self sustaining,genetically diverse population. 繁殖大熊猫的目的是圈养种群的自我维持和保持遗传多样性。
- The library is constructed by using fibrocyte and liver cells from Giant Panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and pBeloBAC11 vector. 本项研究以大熊猫的成纤维细胞以及肝组织细胞为材料,以pBeloBAC11为载体,构建大熊猫的基因组细菌人工染色体DNA文库。
- A rare, bearlike mammal(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)of the mountains of China and Tibet(Xizang), having woolly fur with distinctive black and white markings. 猫熊,熊猫产于中国和中国西藏山区的一种稀有,象熊的哺乳动物(大熊猫)栗色毛皮上带有明显的黑色花纹
- In the present study, we examined the ontogenetic pattern of behavioral responses of male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) to urine odors of conspecific individuals. 研究了雄性大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)对同伴个体尿液气味行为反应的发育模式。
- Free amino acid contents were measured in 20 milk samples of 8 captive giant pandas Ailuropoda melanoleuca using high performance liquid chromatography. 采用高效液相色谱法测定了8只圈养大熊猫20个乳样中游离氨基酸的含量。