- Zantedeschia hybrida 彩色马蹄莲
- Zantedeschia hybrida 'Parfait' 彩色马蹄莲
- Mussaenda hybrida cv.Alicia is an ornamental with high view value. 粉萼花是一种具有较高观赏价值的植物。
- We also studied factors effecting the variation of P. hybrida by tissue culture. 并对矮牵牛叶片组织培养及产生变异的影响因素等进行探讨。
- Effects of R/B ratio on the production of Zantedeschia plantlets in vitro using light emitting diodes. 交流供电的红光发光二极体应用于彩色海芋组织培养苗量产栽培之可行性探讨。
- The effect of different cultivation treatment on growth in Zantedeschia was studied in the greenhouse. 摘要以引进的彩色马蹄莲品种为材料,利用不同栽培处理对其在温室中的生长影响进行了初步研究。
- CHS-A gene was cloned from Petunia hybrida, which has 99% sequence homology with that has been cloned abroad. 从矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)花瓣的cDNA中克隆到了CHS-A基因,进行了全序列分析,并与国外已报道的CHS-A序列进行了同源性比较。
- Construct two RNAi vectors named as pBI121-CHS to intervene the expression ofgene CHS about Petunia Hybrida . 构建了两个抑制矮牵牛查尔酮合成酶(CHS)基因表达的 RNAi 表达载体pBI121-CHS。
- Business Scope The main imported varieties are flower bulbs of Lily, Tulip, Gladiolus, Iris, Hyacinthus, Zantedeschia, high quality seedlings of rose. 圃朗特公司主要经营的进口品种有:百合、郁金香、唐昌蒲、鸢尾、风信子、马蹄莲等优质花卉种球以及玫瑰等优质种苗,同时还将我国特色花卉蝴蝶兰、造型富贵竹等销往欧洲国家。
- The prescription of the tissue culture of Petunie hybrida and the DNA level of phenotypic variation seed lings produced by tissue were discussed. 摘要探索了矮牵牛组织培养的配方,对组培过程中产生的表型变异植株进行了DNA水平的分析。
- Title: Effect of Epibrassinolide on Some Physiological Indexes Related with Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Cutting Flower of Rose (Rosa hybrida L. 关键词:月季切花;表油菜素内酯;膜脂过氧化;超氧物歧化酶;丙二醛
- The leaf epidemis morphology of 3 species from Zantedeschia, Alocasia and Monstera of Araceae were examined under light microscope and measured under micrography analyzer. 摘要利用光学显微镜对天南星科马蹄莲属、海芋属、龟背竹属的3种代表植物的叶表皮形态进行观察,同时用显微分析技术对3种植物细胞大小进行了测量。
- Xue Q H,Lin R.Physiological effects of preservatives on preservation of cut rose hybrida flower[J].Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops,2004,25(1):39-44. [5]薛秋华;林如.;3种保鲜剂对月季萨蔓莎的保鲜生理效应[J]
- The leaf epidemis morphology of 3 species from Zantedeschia,Alocasia and Monstera of Araceae were examined under light microscope and measured under micrography analyzer. 利用光学显微镜对天南星科马蹄莲属、海芋属、龟背竹属的3种代表植物的叶表皮形态进行观察,同时用显微分析技术对3种植物细胞大小进行了测量。
- Palynological analysis could be used in the classification of Rosa hybrida var. minima cultivars and the result is supportive to the result of morphological classification. 不同微型月季品种花粉形状、萌发沟等特征近似,外壁纹饰差异较大,孢粉学分析结果可作为其品种分类依据,且分类结果总体支持形态学分类结果。
- Petiole segments from three varieties of Gerbera hybrida were cultured on MS media containing different hormones, and the effect of hormones on in vitro petiole was studied. 摘要以3个非洲菊品种的叶柄为材料,研究了不同激素及其浓度对非洲菊离体培养再生的影响。
- Genetic transformation system of Petunia hybrida was established in this paper. 34 plantlets were got, and by PCR detection, the CHS gene was introduced into them. 摘要本文建立了矮牵牛的遗传转化体系,并将查尔酮合酶基因转入矮牵牛。经PCR检测,得到34个转查尔酮合酶基因株系。
- Paeonia hybrida Pall. 杂芍药
- Rosa hybrida Hort. 月季
- Rosa hybrida L. 月季