- The human emotional activities, such as joy, anger, anxiety, preoccupation, sorrow, fear and fright, reflect the outside environment, so do the functions of the zang fu organs. 人的情绪活动,如喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊,反映了外界环境,人的情绪活动也反映了五脏的功能。
- Zang Fu An Mo Gong contains seven posture and each posture with different breathing methods that help you to peace your mind inorder to feel the Qi inside of your body. 脏腑按摩功包函七个动作,每个动作有不同的呼吸方法,这种呼吸方法使心情平静从而感觉到气。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。
- Don't mix up this pair of synonyms. 别把这两个近义词混淆了。
- He wears an oily old pair of jeans. 他穿着一条沾满油污的旧牛仔裤。
- His Chinese kung fu is peerless. 他的中国功夫是无敌的。
- This pair of scales is not in equilibrium. 这个天平不平衡。
- This pair of trousers is too tight for me. 这条裤子我穿太紧了。
- She splashed out on a new pair of shoes. 她心血来潮买了一双新鞋。
- The newly married couple are really a happy pair. 那对新婚夫妇真是快乐的一对。
- Billy has a pair of new trousers. 比利有一条新的裤子。
- A new pair of shoes wouldn't come amiss. 新鞋不会不称心的。
- This small animal has a pair of hazel eyes. 这只小动物有一双淡褐色的眼睛。
- He was dressed in a pair of black trousers. 他穿着一条黑色裤子。
- The young girl has a pair of almond eyes. 这个年轻的姑娘长着一双杏眼。
- There is a pair of scissors in the bottom drawer. 最底下的抽屉里有把剪刀。
- These socks retail at 1 dollar a pair. 这些袜子零卖一美圆一双。
- Not all the shoes would pair up. 这些鞋子不全是能配成对的。
- I have a pair of jade bracelets. 我有一对翡翠手镯。