- WEI Hui Wang of the five countries plan to launch Zhao Zhao-ling WANG plot was foiled.n. 缅甸音乐剧
- We have won an Ai Wei Hui award for being a clean neighborhood. 我们社区的卫生状况得到了爱卫会的嘉奖。
- I hadn't eaten in days when I got here and my milk was not enough," said that mother, Zhao Zong Jun. 当我到这里时已经有几天没有吃东西了,我的奶水不够了,”这位名叫赵宗君的母亲说。
- Tang Nanjing do the first year (AD 894 years) to create, the early name Guo Valley Hospital, as has Stephen Longquan Temple,tang zhao zong change the amount of Longquan Temple. 唐乾宁元年(公元894年)创建,初名郭谷院,因寺有泉龙泉,唐昭宗改额龙泉禅院。
- DW: There are also the works of other authors such as the "pretty girl writers" like Mian Mian and Wei Hui. 德国之声:此外,现在还有一些其他作家的作品,比如“美女作家”,像绵绵以及卫慧。
- The harmonious cooperation of TANG Tai-zong LI Shi-min and WEI Hui was an important reason for emergence of the prosperous Zhen Guan Zhi Zhi. 唐太宗李世民与魏徵在治国大事中配合默契,相得益彰,是“贞观之治”开明盛世得以出现的重要原因。
- The term counterculture appears in the book many times, but I'm afraid Wei Hui's characters wouldn't qualify as true countercultural denizens. 摿砝郐这个词在书中出现多次,但卫慧笔下的人物怕算不得真撜媪砝郐。
- What is more important is that Wei Hui's characters are fundamentally the products of a commercialized lifestyle. They are very fond of material things and fairly snobbish. 更重要的,卫慧笔下的人物根本就是商品化生活的产物,对物质非常依恋相当势利眼。
- What is more important is that Wei Hui's characters are fundamentally the products of a commercialized lifestyle.They are very fond of material things and fairly snobbish. 更重要的,卫慧笔下的人物根本就是商品化生活的产物,对物质非常依恋相当势利眼。
- Add:98 Yang Zong Road Bei Zong Cun Yang Hang Town Bao Shan Distric 公司地址:宝山区杨行北宗杨宗路98号
- JIN Yong reflects modern people's heroic attachment in a perfect world with men and women in harmony, which is, on the contrary, implied by WEI Hui in depicting a broken and alienated world. 摘要金庸以男女和谐的完整世界再现了现代人的英雄情结,卫慧却以破碎分裂的现实描绘隐寓了现代人想依托于完整世界的英雄情结。
- The female consciousness of Wei Hui's novels lies in the strengthening of women's independence,the demolishing of the pattern of conventional love and the applying the tactics of the body language. 卫慧小说中的女性意识表现在她试图通过强化女性的独立力量、颠覆和解构传统的爱情模式以及躯体语言策略的运用,从而实现欲望时代女性主体的自我拯救。
- At the end of the 20th century,the Chinese literary arena appeared the other-type female writing which were writed by women writers such as so on Wei Hui,MianMian and Anni baobei and so on. 二十世纪末中国文坛出现的诸如卫慧、棉棉、安妮宝贝等人的“另类”女性写作现象,引起广大读者的热忱关注,从而盛行一时,形成一股“另类热”。
- Ah Q looks idiotic before Master Zhao. 阿Q在赵太爷面前显得呆头呆脑。
- " I don't mean to suggest that Wei Hui is the new Bob Dylan. ”我当然绝非暗示卫慧是鲍勃.;狄伦,那可风马牛不相及。
- Zhao Wei played leading roles in many TV plays. 赵薇在许多电视剧中扮演主角。
- Please support Zhao Wei Scholarship Fund. 请支持赵薇奖学助学基金会!
- From Rising to Falling--A Comparison between Chen Ran and Wei Hui 从飞升到坠落:陈染与卫慧创作比较